Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

“Everyone was not into God. I know NYC but I never went to minister and it’s like the belly of the beast and they say they believe but they aren’t receptive or they aren’t into it, it amazed me. It made me realize how much of the world still needs Christ.” DavidPaul (First YR) I ( “Before Word of Life, even though l I was living in the world, I wasn’t \ taking every opportunity to share God’s word. But going out this time with a different perspective and looking around it totally hit me how dark the world really is and how much it needs Christ. ” LauraHess (First YR) “I really enjoyed getting to know a smaller group of people in a smaller context. I also loved experiencing the culture and the

New York City for thought

Population as of June 2004 8,104,079 I There are many different reli­ gions types in NYC ranging from Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Catholicism and Atheistism I “We need to put on our “God glasses” and see people as He sees them...saved and unsaved

atmosphere of NYC.” JoshMezzano (First YR)

J j

Team I: J. 3arnhart. N. Claiberne. M- Peering. T. Fisher. P. Jenes. A klilcellins. L Little. A. 3urdidc A. (7reteau. R tleuse. A fvjiLLer. P. Paul. A 3hin, J. W[ezzar\o, A. Perry. A Reyer, N/|. 3mith, N. 3tarks. C. Tatre, M- Atkins, L <7erff. L tless. J. -Upward. 3. Miehalik. M. Park bJ\. t>aec\\ao, L Cheats, N. \Viben

Team 2: T. 3ergmann. J. (filbert. C. iJyden. N. kleeler. 3. klim. A. Nagle, T. t^sberne. J. W/allenwine. 3. W/illsen. (7. Adams. L. Arthur. \C. (Liler. kL Llall. A. i-lelcembe, T- kLline. EL kleelbl. kL W/agstaff, J, Adams. 3. 3aker, J. Lurry. .3. jJetehkiss. A. Lewis. P. PauLsen. N. Ranck, (7. 3hiffer. N/j- Adame. J. Pavis. E_ Purham. J. klennedy. L Mesher. P. Murphy. A. Prepst. P. 3anjuan

reVe. P. klirabira, §fser. L Careen fiel. ertsen. P. 5axten. J. 6eeLey. N. frenjaminY Team A

Team 3:7 J- FaLc^nieri. T- Laurens. 3 kL 3ertz. k7 Piaz. 3.„Fre

is. A N/]enard,

kl Arget. <7. Lendricksen. 5. Irwin. -Y. I

Peemer. P. klayes, 3










\Vnlker, C. Villiamsen

3redie. A. (^arweed. ^ ^ff. W. tliney. Rim. (7. lAreeger. T- Mckeen. A IVjehra. A. Neben. I. CSgun. A. Regaiade; Y. Paphesi. J. Martin. 5. Neubauer. (7. Nyhuis. J. 5mith. R. Able. kL Yang. 3. 3arnes. (L CreWneVer. J. Gardner. A Llerren. EL i-linckley. T Lee. 3urreWs. 3. chamberlain. IV] dark. Ll. Jung. O. Park. q. oheppard. kL 3. Nyhuis. EL Yhreck. Thempsen. P. \Vaben. OAf fVlin|5try

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