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rom the small town of Pottersville to the Big Apple students travel to Time Square, Bryant Park and the Village spreading the Word of God to the working class of New York City, a ministry that has been a part of Word of Life since the time of Jack Wyrtzen. Support Teams in fall quarter get a taste of the ministry in New York City, and then in Spring quarter, students have the opportunity to join an Open Air Evangelism team which spends a week sharing their faith one-on-one with people on the streets of New York City. On Monday a team of approximately thirty students travel down to a church in Brooklyn, where they stay for the next week. Working alongside Sam Frey, the students spend several days personally involved in intense street evangelism. This ministry
forces everyone out of their comfort
Evangelism is not just limited to the destination; it begins the moment they step out of the church. Passing out tracts and performing the rope trick opens many doors to witness to people on the subway or waiting in the stations. Drawing a crowd with a sketchboard or rope trick provides an avenue to share the Gospel with those gathered. Being out on the streets also gives students many opportunities to share their faith one-on-one with everyone who stops to listen. Sometimes these conversations can last over an hour as someone is having the Gospel explained to them. Although it can be intimidating, the results are worth it. Each student gets a new perspective on God's grace for the lost world around them.
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