Lady Huskies Team: Back Row: Coach Brian Dregits, Julie Kochersperger, Melanie Widener, Carly Swick, Liz Sardano, Kerrie Lubrich, Anna Garrett, Jess Job, Katie Updegraff, Emily Trudell, Nohara Tomizawa, Assistant Coach Alyssa Korcipa, Front Row: Angela Brown, Michelle Mason, Allie Brady,
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Rose Williams, Charity Smith, Tiffany ILmdall, Sondra Smith, K®ia Laurens, Nellie Klein
haracter as well as talent is considered
as selections are made to create a team that wall wrork together to bring many young ladies
to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, as well as encourage the saved members of the teams they will play against. After grueling tryouts in sunshine and rain and after the trials, one team emerges refined and sorted by the process. Friendships are formed on this team, as each knows the endurance the others have to put into the team towards the common goal of Gods glory through spiritual attitudes and the bringing of many daughters to glory. This experience changes the way these girls view ministry in that they realize that merely not acting like the world can be enough of an impact to change the direction of a young lady's life and send her running into her Savior's arms when He calls her home. This all happens because a team of committed soccer girls had a ministry through prayer and good sportsmanship. This is what is involved in the process of creating and maintaining a team that glorifies God through their ministry of Intercollegiate Girls Soccer.
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