Have Dreams 2019 Impact Report

Ha v e Dreams ad u lt Programs

Have Dreams supports individuals across the entire autism spectrum, including programming that addresses the varying needs of adults with ASD. Whether it is an 18-22 year-old transitioning from high school, a young adult seeking employment training to secure that first job, or a high school graduate benefiting from a full-day community-based program, Have Dreams provides an autism-specific program to meet those needs. The impact of our programming is evident: In 2019, 100% of our HDA graduates who pursued jobs were hired for competitive employment.

Life SCILS Grocery shopping for a meal to be Comm u nit y - Based

prepared with peers at Have Dreams, visits to Target to stock up on supplies, group lunches at a local restaurant, fitness activities and leisure excursions to movie theaters and outdoor venues, along with volunteer internships at area businesses, provided highly structured opportunities in the community to foster social, communication and independent living skills for the men and women in our Life SCILS program. This full-time community- based program has helped our Life SCILS participants enjoy friendship and strong social connections with their peers at Have Dreams.

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