Back L to R: Coach Lyle Hartwell, Coach Jeff Gordon, Dan Arthur, Tim Lyons, James Roe, Wesley Froelich, Jeremy White, Matthew Steeves Front L to R: Rodrigo Bender, Erik Petrovich, Josh Cannon, Brad Wilkins, Adam Bowman, Jeremy Heikkinen
Lifting Christ higher To whom much is given, much is expected. To this years talented group of men’s basketball players, God granted an incredible amount of ability and endurance. And to God be the glory, for this year, each one of them took their God -given gift and put it to use for His kingdom. Intense was their only level of play. Intense in their game, intense in their practice, and intense in their desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ every chance they had. On the court, their good sportsmanship alone evidenced their testimonies. Off the court, their dedication in sharing the Gospel was obvious . As the year progressed the boys increased in their boldness as they persistently shared the Gospel throughout the North East.The chance to play in prisons in the fall and to travel across the world to play against the Australian National Team during break set them up for an exciting trip to the Big City in the Spring. As a result of their discipline, drive and determination, many came to know the Lord Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Praise Him!
Lift cf Up- The team gathers before a game to pray for safety and good witnessing opportunities after die game.
1heWOL Basketball ministry has had a profound impact on the way I view evange lism. Before becoming involved in this ministry, my idea of evangelism had been sharing the Gospel after I had built a friendship. Going out on OAE with the team was a huge step for me because it placed me outside of my comfort zone. 1can say now, looking back, that the whole experience has brought me to a point of sharing the Gospel with anyone. All it takes is a trust in God and a willingness to obey.
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