Danny Howard J bear banny,
Tony Carew
While We miss having you home on a regular basis, vVe are thrilled that you Went Where you felt God Wanted you to be. God has granted you some Wonderful opportunities to serve Him While at Word of Life and We have seen you mature and grow in your spiritual Walk. Both of us are proud of you and look forward to seeing What exciting plans God has for your future. LoVe, bad & Mom
W e a r e
W ith love ,
Amber Brainard
Matthew Gueli
Oun pnayens fron you ane tRat G od woudd poun oat <Nis Spinit upon you and aoiat yoa fron add tRat <He Ras cadded you to do. M ay yoa netlen stuay (ynom <Uis pdan {yon yoa. JenemiaR 29:11. Tv/e p^ay G od widd dediHen yoa (jnom any ei)id pdan ojj tRe. Enemy to nob yoa oft difte stead, away youn uniqueness and gijjtedness on atteMpt to compnomise tRe patR G od cRose (jon tRe nead AUbex JJicodz Tnainanct SeeJe tRe LOP?D and <UE widd dediDen yoa {ynom add yoan {yeans. May you Ratte ampde oppontanites to dead otRens to ORnist tRnougR yoan bite and compssion and yoan beauti{M pensonadity and smide. Ee/e dike tRe way G od wined yoa togetRenl M ay yoa know o{y tRe powen. o{y seADOnt deadensRip as yoa Continue punsuing tRe safety o{y a spinitaad cooening. M ay tRe {ynuit o{y tRe Spinit gnow daidy in youn being as yoa {yind younsed{y Compdete in Jesas. Sn/e pnay G od widd giOe yoa a uision {yon di|ye in setting goads and tRat youn punpose and di{ye’s assignment widd be made cnystad cdean to you. Etfeny day’s a new day wRen you wadJe witR tRe Lond. Pememben, 2 TimotRy 1=9, “M ay tRe wonds o{y youn moatR and tRe meditations ojj youn Reant be acceptabde in <fcfe sigRt.” S v/e LoOe (joa Gind, Mom, Tad, M att, Kendna, Monk, and Kamie
\Ale are all proud of '(ou and we Know that 6iod will bless '{ou as >fou serve Him. "Ma'j our Lord Jesus £brist Himself and 6od our Father, who loved us and b>( His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage >(our heart and strengthen >(ou in everf good deed and word. // l Thessalonians 2:lU-r7 Love, Mom, Dad, Christine, Dan, Heather, and Harold
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