Hollie Herrera
Amy Lynn Rawley
Amy Lynn, We're so proud of you. We thank the Lord for the path you have chosen. Love, Mom, Dad, and Nan
To the 2004 WOLBI graduating class, CONGRATULATIONS! To God be the glory!
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- The Herreras
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Josh Mellinger
Chris Jacobs
Jack Oppenheim
Joshua, We rejoice in the path you
CHRIS, V e are so glad to see THE LORD WORKING yoUR LIFE. L ove , M om , D ad , and M.B.
Jack, You make us very proud, Love, Mom, Connie, and Frank
have chosen. Pray Always! Love, □ad and Mom Proverbs 4
Joy Sadler
It as our JOY to see you understaaadmg Has love and d 1 responciang an aove To Our J oy L ove9 Moan and Dad
Scott Hurley
Jeremy Berrus
Hollie Herrera
‘Dear <§>eott, Go for God! Fro with you. your Best Friend, Patricia flnn
Dear Jeremy, We have no greater joy than to hear that our children walk in truth. Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulations Holliel We're so proud of you! Love, Pastor Walt & Patty
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