Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2004

Student Biographies


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Birmingham. Alabama Saved only by the grace ofGod is the theme ofevery Bible Institute student’stestimony;some have reached die deeper level of intimacy with their Saviorthat the rest ofthe students respectto an incredible degree. Josh Cannon is one such case and he is increasing his love for God while enrolled in the second year program. Josh was raised in Birmingham, Alabama, and has the southern accent to prove it. Although he was raised in a Christian home and attended a good church for his whole life, he chose not to internalize the Gospel until the age of 19. Since then he has been growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ and is now living an abundant life in Christ. Josh has the desire to be a student of God's Word, become a pastor in order to lead his congregation and fill their needs, and to get married and lead his family towards God. Josh has been learning so much truth in his two years at the Bible Institute. He loves being able to open up the Word of God and know how to study and where to turn in time of need. He also feels very blessed by the friendships God has supplied him with; secondary to the Word of God, good godly fellowship matters so much. He hasreally learned to lean on God for all ofhis needs and God has in turn blessed him exceedingly abundantly above all he could ask or think. His favorite pastimes are reading God's Word and investing his time in people's lives. He knows that by focusing on what truly matters in life he will be “living on the victory side.”

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