Off Campus, International, and Inn Work Program
There are a few areas that enable students to attend WOLBI while getting a new twist at the same time. Off campus students, international students, and the students involved in the Inn Work Stay Program certainly have varied experiences. Students who are married or prefer to work in order to pay for schooling as they attend certainly have a different outlook on the WOLBI experience. The international students also have to take into consideration that their classes are not in their first language. However, the ministry opportunites in all of these areas are mazing. Students interact within the surrounding community as well as with the students who live on campus. The discipline factor is also greater as these students must learn to prioritize as they are not only juggling academia and ministry but lor most also work and sometimes a family. None of these students regret this year and many have grown in their personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ at a rate they never would have imagined.
Chris and Sarah Pomerleau pray over a meal while their son Nicholas takes in the busy dining hall at WOLBI.
This group of Canadians gather together
Cjrc Yasuto Ogawa uses his tech skills during class.
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