GW Girls from Asia Lower gather together in their hallway for evening devos.
R.D. Jaime Allison gives a devotion to her door. Dorm devos was always a great time to get the staff involved with students.
< 2 fn^ Up- Matt Gueli looks over a passage during his preparation for devos that night. Students used class break for many purposes.
Becca Scott goes over her devo notes one last time before presenting her topic to her dorm. Every student got a chance to share a devotion in dieir dorm each quarter.
Students get together every night for time in the Word God has given us so many opportunities both to minister
and to be ministered to on campus. One way in which we are each richly blessed occurs every night at 9:15 when each floor gathers together for dorm devotions. Whether it be sharing a word of testimony, digging into the Word, or simply spending time worshipping our Heavenly Father, great encouragement and conviction has come as a result of these nightly get-togethers.
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