Danielle Vitale, Monica Rickner, and Amber Gille show that big hair needs big hugs to feel truly accepted.
Don’t be fooled! You may think she’s an eskimo, but Lydia Deere is actually imitating a ferocious lion!
Coke bottles were a precious commodity this winter. Not only were they used for drinking, but also for keeping that big hair up there.
O u t- Despite a few odd stares here and there due to her wild hair, Miriam Ritchie plays on. Pep Band members were all very dedicated in displaying big hair during snow camp.
Going big or going home
One of the biggest highlights of Snow Camp was Big Hair Saturday. Mornings, a time of extreme mental instability caused by harmful fumes; these fumes were the result of numerous gallons of hairspray used to hold up the hair of snow campers and counselors. If your hair wasn’t touching the ceiling, it was getting stuck in the doorways, in your friend’s pancakes, or poking someone in the eye repeatedly. When hairspray was not an option, a plastic 20 oz. bottle came in handy to hold the hair in place thus giving the distinct feeling of being part of a Star Trek episode. Overall, big hair days were a fun way to be crazy and relax at the same time. So sit back, relax and just let your hair down, or up as the case may be!
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