2 Corinthians 15:57
On one occasion it was said, “To achieve genuine victory, one must first be faced with a seemingly insurmountable task.” And true it is that one cannot witness the defeat of his enemy without first fighting in the battle, nor win'ffe prize without running the race. Yet, as Christians, we possess an astonishing privilege through our faith in Christ: He has w^on the victory. Through his death and resurrection He has wron for us every battle, past, present, and future, and declared us, as His children, eternally victorious. At Word ol Life, we are given the unique opportunity to develop the foundation of faith necessary for living this life of to deepen our love for the Lord through the knowledge ol His word; to develop our reliance upon the unparalleled strength of our Savior. Through godly teaching and discipleship, we learn what it means to lay aside every weight, to put on the armor of God, and to run with perseverance this race marked out for us. Such opportunities are those we have taken hold of throughout our year here and will be forever grateful for as we journey forward in the Lord’s will for our lives. Clinging tightly to the truth of His wrord, we take heart that through every test, trial, and tribulation, w^e have been declared more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. Never will w^e forget that solely through His unconditional love and everlasting mercy we can truly experience what it means to live “... on the victory Aufe.”
^ CfyUlyz&r Defeat is never enjoyable. Victory is always wonderful. God’s plan for each of us is that we live on the victory side of things in this life. Paul said in I Corinthians 15:57- 58, “ But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our LordJesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, beye steadjast, unmovable, always abounding in the work oj the Lord” God’s plan for every believer is that we would be steadfast, unmovable and always abounding in an unstable, upside down and confusing world. This spirit of victory comes only through our personal relationship with Christ and His Word. God has promised us this victory if we will me'Ft His conditions of obedience to His Word. Friend, you can live “on the victory side” on a daily basis as you choose obedience over disobedience and, thus, victory over defeat (Rom. 8:28). Steadfastness and an abounding spirit are the direct by-product of obedience. God doesn’t say that perhaps He will give victory; He promises it. What a way to go!
Arlee Posted finds cjuiet peace in knowing that her Lord and Savior will return all victorious to take her to her heavenly home.
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