Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2004


colleges in that it is taught here how one can have the very mind of Christ. Every day students learn that victory lies with truth and truth is only found in the inerrant Word of God. The focus of all classes offered at the B.I. is teaching students to, “let this mind be in you!, which is also in Christ Jesus.” First year focuses around direct Biblical train­ ing; students study Theology, Bible Survey, and spe­ cific books of Scripture. Fiaving the opportunity to sit under the teaching of great men of God increases the students knowledge of Scripture and life principles at the same time. Second year students are given practical classes as well as Biblical studies which they can immediately apply to ministry. Classes such as Disctpleship, Apologetics, and Bible Study Methods give the second year student new directions in order to focus their mind on victory. A student cannot expect to come to WOLBI and not learn incredible truth through all of^tlre* classes provided. Gaining victory through one's mind is not an immediate occurance, it takes time and study of the truth every day. Only when the student focuses their mind on the truth will they truly be, “living on the victory side.”

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