Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2004

knMufe^e Christine Melton talks to a missionary at Missions Conference to help her decide on her future plans.

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Students gather around theology teacher MarshallWicks to clarify topics discussed in class.

Calder - James, Acts Moyer - Personal Evan. J Jordan - Matthew Master - Leviticus Hubbard - Hebrews Anderson - Ezra Whitcomb - Genesis 1-11 Theis - Proverbs, Daniel Wagner - Philippians Bouquet - 1Corinthians Bookman - Ephesians Wicks - Revelation Davis - Revelation Wyrtzen - 1Peter Calhoun - Ecclesiastes Showers - Church History Taylor - Church History Pritchard - Galatians Hamm - Creation Viars - Counseling Scheide - Pastoral Epistles

Standing outside the Jack Wyrtzen Center talking to your Iriends is a popular way to pass the time between classes.

Sitting in the same seat for five weeks at a time helps build friendships among students that may not have occured otherwise.


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