Another Typical Day As the first year class of 2004 embarked on a year filled with solid, Bible-based
teaching, feelings among students were mixed. Some were excited and eager to dive into the Word ol God under the instruction of godly men. Others were overwhelmed with the work load that was placed upon them. A few even had doubts about being at Word of Life, and thought maybe they had made a mistake in coming. No matter what the emotions or feelings, God used this short year in their lives to demonstrate the importance and the impacting nature of His Word. With a combined effort, Dr. Tom Davis and Mr. Marshall Wicks once again took on the responsibility of teaching the first year class Theology and Bible Survey. Many guest lecturers like Dr. Wendell Calder, Dr. John Whitcomb, Mr. Larry Moyer, and our very own Dr. Joe Jordan came in throughout the year to explore distinct books of the Bible. In the course of the year, the students gained biblical knowledge that will benefit them in whatever type of ministry God has for them. As God directs the steps of these students, some will be coming back to WOLBI for second year to solidify what thev learned in first year. No matter what the students’ plans are, they can be sure that they have invested this time wisely.
Nate Joachim and Sam Olsen take a moment to show how happy they are to be studying the Word of God for a whole year.
A typical scene during breaks; students up on those much needed
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