Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2004

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Being a part of the weekend Collegians, I have enjoyed the privilege of meeting new people and getting to work alongside them in ministry as brothers and sisters in Christ. It has been awesome staying in family’s homes and really getting to know them (not to mention the great home- cooked meals... yum!). I have truly witnessed God’s hand of blessing on those who are commited to working together as a team for one ultimate goal to glorify Christ! Whether sharing in music or personal testimony, with adults and youth alike, I have been blessed by how I have been ministered to while ministering. When it all comes down to it, I am extremely thankful to God for giving me the opportunity to meet and work with such special people. Whether or not Isee them again on earth, I will surely remember them always! All for God’s glory and honor!

hqckc? T Josh Ely and Danny Howard study their music notes intently during one of the daily Collegians practices.

Tricia Edwards, the music intern, discusses an upcoming performance with Brian Donley.

Brian Donley takes time to point out the finer points of Collegians during a practice with the Victory Ensemble.


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