Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2004

Spanish Team Three takes a picture with members of a local church during their stay in Philly.

Thefields are white for the harvest Similar to the Open Air Ministry, the Spanish Outreach Teams are given the opportunity to spread the Gospel message on the street corners ol New York using a variety ot street evangelism methods. The difference is simply in the cultural background of their audience. Focusing their ministry within a distinctly Spanish speaking area of the city, these groups work together with a small Spanish churches, ministering both with them and to them throughout their 5 day excursion in the city. Many of the students involved in Spanish Outreach have claimed that Jesus not only changed the lives of those they shared with, but their very own lives as well! Lydia Deere, one of the members of OutreachTeam #2, learned to put her faith in action as she served in unity with a number of her fellow classmates. “Spanish Outreach was an awesome experience! Since our group was small, the growth 1saw in how we talked, witnessed, iness was that much more evident. Not only did I see God working in my team members, I also saw specific ways of God’s working my life. Through a week of ministry, He showed me the importance of working together with others, humbling myself and trusting in His strength to help me. Both my small team and it’s leader made me extremely thankful for this ministry!” served and matured in godl

Michael Seal, Josh Silva, John Adams, and Logan Teall take a moment for a picture at a church they were working with in the Bronx.


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