rU TWn- Through out the course of this year, we were able to experience tremendous growth in our own lives while seeing many men at the mission make total commitments to Christ as Lord. Seeing once homeless men get involved in the things of God is one of life’s greatest joys. It is humbling that He would use us to assist in nourishing the men physically and spiritually. It was primarily through building individual, personal relationships and the developing of these relationships that was perhaps the greatest blessing of all. We really grew to love these men and will continue to think of and pray for them.
The Rescue Mission’s purpose is to help people know Christ and to help them live a productive life.
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Dave Shamlian and Phil Fidler take a mo ment to encourage one of the directors of the city mission.
L to R: Samuel Kim, Phil Fidler, Dave Shamlian, Travis Alarie
L to R: Chris Jacobs, Josh Shiffer, Nate Joachim
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