Junior School Life 2024

Helping Boys Settle

Arriving in September

When boys join the Junior School, we do all we can to make sure that they settle in quickly, make friends and really enjoy learning and their new environment. • We have a very well tried and tested process for welcoming new boys and their parents into the school; parents always remark on how smooth the transition is for their son in a feedback survey submitted during the first term. • By June, each joiner will be assigned their own Year 6 buddy, who will also be in the same House. • Buddies then write to introduce themselves to the new boys before an induction afternoon and typically new boys write back. • At the end of the summer term, we host a new boys’ Induction Afternoon where their buddies meet them and provide a tour of the school. Of course, all the new boys will also meet their new teachers and classmates on this occasion. • All new boys are photographed during the afternoon and teachers learn their names over the holiday in time for their arrival in September. • Over the holiday, the Clubs booklet is sent out to all parents and boys so that they can select the lunchtime and afterschool clubs they would like to join. Choices are confirmed at the beginning of term.

• When boys arrive in September, they are again paired with their buddy and given a checklist of things to achieve in their first few days, such as learning the rules of patball or reading a book to each other in the Library. • In the first week of term the whole school has a team building day where each House is divided ‘vertically’ with each group containing boys from all four Year Groups. Over the course of the day, staff from their House will cheer the boys on through eight team building challenges taking place all around the campus. This memorable day leads to bonding with boys up and down the school.

“The buddy system is excellent and from what I can tell the Year 6 boys have been utterly welcoming and kind to the new Year 3s, which has made the experience so wonderful for them. Well done Year 6.”

“I have settled in well at the College thanks to friends and teachers.”

“We felt that our son was really welcomed, he loved the atmosphere at the College from his first day and has made great friends.”

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