Sitting out on the beach getting the best suntan possible, I can al most feel the rays seeping into my skin. I can hear the waves crash ing on the shore of the bluest ocean you have ever seen. There is a warm breeze coming ... BEEP!!! As I open my eyes the first thing that comes into focus is my alarm clock reading 5:45 a.m. As I reach up to turn it off I can see in the distance more snow piling up on top of the previous two feet we have. One phrase rolls through my mind . . . “ Time to make the donuts.” Sleep is not something that WOLBI students get a whole lot of Goodnight
time to do. Most students are too busy trying to make it to class be fore the bell, going to work before their supervisor realizes that they are late, or maybe even meals be fore the line closes. Students can usually be found spending their free time cleaning rooms, writing letters home, talk ing on the phone, doing laundry, or studying for classes. Some students find that time to sleep is during classes or study hours. After receiving demerits, they quickly revise their schedule to accommodate a short two hour nap in the afternoons. Although, as WOLBI students, Sweetheart
we don’t receive as much sleep as we would like the rewards are great. During snow camp, we were able to see young people come to know Christ as their per sonal Savior and rededicate their lives to Christ. While in classes, we were able to see God’s work in our own lives, and ministries gave us the opportunity to spread that good news to others. Even though sleep may not be the number one thing on a WOLBI student’s mind, Jesus Christ is, and our rewards in heaven are far greater than here on earth! (or a few hours sleep!)
COUCH HOGS: Rob Dyck and Frank Funk try to catch up on lost sleep during tour.
HALF-ASLEEP: Snow Camp really wears out Craig Hilton as he falls asleep during one of the rallies.
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