Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1994

CATCHING THE RAYS: Some of the SYME girls use their free time in the afternoon to work on their tan.

WAY COOL: A group of "way cool skateboarders,” led by the infamous Joe Schenke, invade Word of Life Florida.

"You Are My Sunshine”

“One thing we got from this quarter is unity. We all came together in spirit. We got to know each oth­ er very well.’’ This state­ ment was heard over and over after the SYME re­ turned from their sun filled quarter in Florida. Each day started out with a quiet relaxing Quiet Time anywhere you pleased, (by the pool, in bed, etc.) Then the day continued with fresh, fam­ ily oriented meals (with only 1 required meal a week) in which you could sit down and relax. Then came classes with the ex­ citing and persuasive

teachers such as Garland and Dun Gordy. The day continued with a relaxing afternoon (if you didn’t have work assign­ ment in dish pit, line, or some other job) by the pool, which undeniably SYME’s favorite activity. Come the weekend Min­ istry Teams, Drama Teams, and the Ensamble went out to participate in such things as Volleyball Marathons, Olympic Games, Jalopy Raids, OAE, and Beach Evange­ lism. In closing all I can say is “Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!”

LET’S GO FOR A RIDE: Cathy Stadtlander and Charity Jenkins prepare to "borrow” Tom Phil­ ips’ moped to go for a little ride.

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