Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1994

Different World


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in purpose, organizing street and church meetings. Others share the gospel in music through free open air concerts. Also, many groups go out on building assign­ ments, constructing churches and facilities needed by various mis­ sionaries throughout the world. No matter what you do or where you go the joy that you share in and throughout the trip will change your life. Just seeing first hand the need for the gospel by all the world will definitely give you a heartbeat for missions. Experi­ encing a whole other world and culture is very exciting, and seeing the difference in response to the gospel is captivating. God’s mes­ sage of love needs to be taken into all the world, and the benefits are eternal.

The whole reason for attending the Bl for many people is to pre­ pare themselves to serve God somewhere in the world. Many students, however, have already had a taste of life on the mission field. They all agreed that visiting another country was something never to be forgotten. Going out on a short term mis­ sions trip is not just a great way to spend a summer vacation, it is a life changing experience. It is also a challenging job that takes months of planning. After being accepted on a mission board, by filling out an application or going in for an interview, one must raise financial support which will cover travel expenses, food, and lodg­ ing. Prayer support is also need­ ed, as it is God’s work that you have been called to do. This is probably the most crucial support needed by summer missionaries. There are various kinds of mis­ sions trips that are available to go on. Some are purely evangelistic

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A NEW LOOK FOR THE 90’S: Brad Mc­ Cullough and former Bl student Donnie O’Wade model a former Soviet Air Force uniform in Belarus.

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: Scott Crane, and friends Bobby Royer and Toran Scott stand overlooking the city of Barcelona, Spain.

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