Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1994

etting Around

from farther south who were not yet used to the slick roads found it very scary, and were introduced to new objects such as ice scrapers for the windshield of their cars. Many found it difficult to start their cars in the morning on account of the sub-zero weather. Finally when spring arrived more stu­ dents were found outside walking and enjoying the weather. The fa­ vorite thing to do was to take a walk along Schroon Lake or hike up into the beautiful Adriondack Mountains where the beauty of God’s creation was evident.

common foot action. Many times one could go along the entrance road to the college and find many students walking to the popular hangout, the Upper Crust. During the fall, some of the guys brought their skateboards which seemed to get them around in style. (Not really) The winter brought on many different chal­ lenges with the ice which made conditions for walking and driving very difficult. However, many cou­ ples welcomed the icy sidewalks for reasons which were very ob­ vious. (even on those days it was not that slippery.) The students

“Hey! Can I get a ride?”, “Do you have enough room for me?” These were very common questions asked many times throughout the year to those who were for­ tunate enough to have a car for transportation. Yes, transportation was very limited here at WOLBI. Most people managed by hav­ ing a bicycle to get themselves around. Some enjoyed the art of mastering rollerblading. Those who just could not han­ dle the balancing act of rol­ lerblading settled for the all


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KEEP ON TRUCKING: Scott Hrinda drives the famous collegians mac truck.

BACK TO THE 50’S: Gina Smith and Becky Reist model __with this vintage car which they drove on ministry.

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