Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1994

FIGHTING TACTICS: Gary Ingersol demonstrates for the class the bat­ tles that took place in the time of Joshua. Mr. Ingersol taught Josh­ ua.

SYME GUEST LECTURERS Glen Amos — Youth in Missions Dr. Dan Anderson — World Reli­ gions Jack Anderson — Finances Doug Armbrecht — Time Manage­ ment Dr. Sherrill Babb — Christian Ed­ ucation Marty Benton — Christian Manhood Jim Bjomstand — Cults Paul Bubar — Leadership, People Management Shirley Bubar — Christian Woman­ hood Wendell Calder — Methods of Mis­ sions Mike Calhoun — Philosophy of Min­ istry, Theology of Evangelism Tom Davis — Contemporary Prob­ lems, Dispensationalism Roger Ellison — Introduction to Christian Education Ric Garland — Contemporary Prob­ lems Dan Gordy — Methodologies of Missions Joe Jordan — Discipleship, Spiritual Gifts Dr. Bob Kilgne — Missions Bob Parschauer — Missionary Re­ alities Tim Patterson — Child Evangelism Stan Ponz — Youth in the Local Church Charles Scheide — Local Church Tom Serviox — Jewish Evangelism Tom Thompson — Family

HERE IS HOW IT IS: Dr. Clifford Wilson who taught Creationism, takes time to explain to Gary Plewes some things covered in class.


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