Having fun at the B.l. is always an option! Some who might care to drop by for a visit would think that these students were a bit wild. Our comeback for that is, we have the joy of the Lord. It is amazing to think of how close we have come to each other in such a short period of time. Many enjoyed partic ipating in various activities together such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, hiking, and bike riding. It was great to see that during Spirit Week many participated, and had a lot of fun. The biggest hit of Spirit Week was “clash day.” (The sad thing was some were not trying to clash.) “International day” also had great participation. Yes, fun was def initely a factor in a WOLBI student’s life. Just Having Fun!
HOW REPULSIVE!: That is definitely the look on Laurie Parke’s face as she is confronted by Keith Grennon
NO! 1GOT IT! Amy Lam and Suzzie Steiner are de- termined to see who is the
in the Which Way drama.
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