Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1994

HI, MOM: A group of students all get together to send a memo­ rable picture home to their fami­ lies.

“ Even though I couldn’t be with my family the people made it feel really spe­ cial.” Joanna Drake “The meal was great and the process was exciting, but I also was excited about going home the next day.” Carol-Ann Dry- den “It was really COLD!!!” Preston Martin “I missed my family a lot, but I still had a really good time at the banquet with all my friends.” Kedron Jack

GOOD FRIENDS: Angela Pestor, Gina Smith, and Becky Reist decid­ ed to sit with their new found friends at the banquet.

LOVELY LADIES: Jen Crozier, Dana Brannen, Suzzie Steiner, and Christine Spinato look stun­ ning for the banquet.

KNIGHT IN SHIN­ ING UNIFORM: Dan Hay models his uni­ form from the Navy for the camera.



A PICTURE OF THE ORIENT: Our orien­ tal students en­ joyed celebrating their first American holiday in their tra­ ditional dress.


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