were definitely a highlight. During all of this the pushed on. At the last whistle the champions were revealed. The Bl girls did prevail, but not without a very challenging game. Next on the agenda for the afternoon was the ever-awaited Turkey Bowl. The whistle is blown and the ball is thrown, the Bl class makes the first touchdown. Tim Carter could be seen making every effort possible to in tercept or make a touch down for the Bl team. The winner? Again the Bl girls are the champs!
first. Everyone showed up with their war paint on and ready for battle to see which was the stronger class. The game was in tense and close all the way through. There were awesome passes made and great receptions cap tured. During the game there were a few sur prises. Yes, parading out with all their splendor and grace were the Bl cheer leaders. They came out dressed accordingly to get the crowd fired up and en thused. They performed many chants and cheers and even put on a half time show. Their little show consisted of cheers and even a stunt. They
Exactly what is a foot- “ ball? This question was on' the minds of many of the girls when they went out to practice for the Powder Puff football game which was soon approaching. At least, that is what the guys thought the girls would say. When practice began many girls showed their stuff. Some played for the very first time and had a lot of fun. Both the Bl and SYME classes worked very hard to plan strict strategies to play during the game. The day finally arrived! The girls and guys were ready for their face-offs to begin. In the morning the girls’ game was scheduled
PRETTY IN PINK: Stephanie Dean stands on the sidelines in comfort with her favorite pig.
THE MIGHTY ENGLANDERS: The girls of England dorm psy che themselves for the big game.
"By the time I finally un- d e r s t o o d what was going on, the game was over!” — Becky Reist
HEAD TO HEAD: The Bl and SYME guys battle it out for the title of Turkey Bowl champs!
THE FANS GO WILD: With kazoos in mouth, the fans cheer on their favorite team.
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