Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1994

Jordan, Mike Laymon, and Craig Hilton. Winners in each catego­ ry were: COMEDY — “WOLBI FOOD STRIKES BACK” a film produced by Sam Lunsford, Martin Rem- bert, and Yves Perodin MOST ORIGINAL — “FRIED GERMAN LOVE” a comical song by Asia Upper BEST SONG — “SAY THE NAME” sung by Renee Kelso BEST RESPONSE FROM THE CROWD — “A DAY AT WOLBI” a funny skit performed by Tom Lane MINISTERED THE MOST — “WATCH THE LAMB” a song to which Susan Luke did the sign lan­ guage for.

Show me talent and I’ll show you a WOLBI stu-' dent. The annual WOLBI talent night was held on April 22 with a variety of acts, some which included music, dramas, comedy, dramatic readings, poetry, sign language and RAP. Some of the highlights of the evening were when Jamie Issakainen per­ formed a favorite song by Steven Curtis Chapman entitled, “When You Are a Soldier.” A performance from RAP group OFJ, (Guest for Jesus) was the perfect ending. The Master of Ceremo­ nies, Yves Perodin and Jack Klose kept the eve­ ning flowing smoothly. The hardest job of all, the judging, was done by Maggie St. Fort, Gracia

ANOTHER BACH: Ben Gutierrez shares a beautiful piece of music on the piano. FRIED GREEN LOVE: Dionne Taitt and Micah Robitille lead Asia Upper in a RAP version of ‘German Band.” TILL THE COWS COME HOME: Beth Nicholes shares her talent of playing “Majesty” with cow­ bells.

“ I ended up having a good time with my friends on campus, and it was great to be able to see all the talent at WOLBI.” Melissa Berry “It was exciting to see all the different things that the students can do here on campus. It isn’t very of­ ten that they can perform for us.” Stephanie Sharp

HOW COULD YOU SAY NO?: Rukshana llahi sings a song while Pat Fiordelise accompa­ nies on the guitar.



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