EY Summer Magazine 2020

Focus On

Guitar Center

The Guitar Center Music Foundation Guitar Center , the world's largest instrument retailer, announced the relaunch of

its non-profit organization, the Guitar Center

Music Foundation in 2018. The foundation's

mission will be laser-focused on offering as many

individuals as possible the invaluable experience

of learning and playing a musical instrument.

Since its original founding in 2005, the

foundation's charitable efforts have put

instruments in the hands of over 200,000

persons nationwide during its rich history of

supporting musicians through music

© Guitar Center

Foundation. We look forward to identifying

education, music therapy programs and other

new and powerful ways to bring more music

music-centric non-profits.

into the world and driving positive change

As the retailer embarks on its 54th year,

within our country's music education system

Guitar Center leadership has decided to

by giving more people the tools and access

expand and guide the organization into

they need to find their sound.”

reestablishing the Guitar Center Music

The relaunched Guitar Center Music

Foundation in order to provide a large

Foundation will also stand as one of the largest

spectrum of gear, as well as lessons and

music charity initiatives by the retailer to date,

services, to various non-profit organizations

an impressive feat given Guitar Center's history

that focus on music education.

of donations to thousands of music educators

“The Guitar Center Music Foundation is an

and schools and its relief efforts to support

exciting opportunity for us to use our

musicians affected by the recent hurricanes

resources to reach musicians of all ages and

© Guitar Center

and other natural disasters. At any rate, the

skill levels who may not have access to

Guitar Center Music Foundation has processed

musical instruments,” said Ron Japinga,

grants for 65 programs since the relaunch

Guitar Center CEO. “Guitar Center has always

valued at just over $116,000.

advocated for musicians. We firmly believe

To learn more, visit

that it all starts with fostering strong music

GuitarCenterFoundation.org and follow

education programs, and we're proud to make

@GiveMusicLife for more news or discover ways

that promise to current and future generations

© Guitar Center

to support the Guitar Center Music Foundation.

of musicians through the Guitar Center Music

summer 2020


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