Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2006

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This was a year of


l/l//?af lives have you changed?

The Open Poor, Volume 54 Word of Life Bible Institute 2005-2006 Founders: Jack Wyrtzen and Harry Rollback

Chancellor: Pr. Joe Jordan

Vice President: Ric Garland

Website: www.wordoflife.edu

Vice President of Florida Ministries: Tom Phillips New York Campus: 4200 Glendale Road, Pottersville, NY 12S60 (518) 494 4725 Florida Campus: 15001 Word of Life Prive, Hudson, FL 54669 (727) S57 9746


When you throw a rock into a pond, the rock disappears under the surface. It never touches the shore, but the ripples will. The same is when you invest time into the life of another. You invest time into someone’s life, often for only a short period of time, stir up the waters a bit, and then, slip beneath the surface. You may never actually go around the world, but the ripples that you make could. Though you might never see the fruit of your labor, the call to faithfully proclaim the love of Christ remains. Through this year, we have been given many opportunities to be faithful. We have been able to reach people from all over America and even around the world. Many have come to know Him through our testimony and service. Only God knows

the impact we have had on their lives. With j1 our finite knowledge, it is hard for us to r comprehend how we all fit in God's sovereign plan. To know that we each have | a part in that plan is enough. God alone sees the true and complete potential of a t human soul. 1 In this is the challenge, to remain faithful. I That camper you led to Christ, that victim jj of Hurricane Katrina that you touched could very well become a great missionary, j theologian or teacher. They could reach J the world for Christ. Rest assured that j every day of your life, in some way, you are reaching out to the world. Be faithful in getting in lives, and like Lois, Eunice, David Hogue, and Edward Kimball, may your legacy be left in your influence. i

Lois, Eunice, David Hogue, and Edward Kimball. These names probably don't bring any images to our minds. These people do not hold any records or any places of high honor but have, indeed, left their mark on the world. What is their significance? No, they have not pioneered missions in a closed country. Nor have they been hailed as great theologians, thinkers or evangelists. The common factor in all of these men and women is that they all, not anticipating fame or glory, remained faithful. Though their stories may not have been carried down through history, their influence has. Their legacy lives on solely in those in whom they invested their hearts and lives, namely Timothy, David Livingstone, and D.L. Moody.







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Vice President of Bible Institute and Executive Dena of New Yokr Campus, Rci Garland is known among students for his sincerity, encouragement, andlove for fun.

In Nehemiah, we see an example of a truly influential leader. This man of God worked alongside his people, exhorting, correcting, and encouraging them in the promises of God. Because of him, they were able to finish a nearly impossible task of restoring the walls around Jerusalem in a matter of 52 days. This served as a testimony to the greatness of God to all the surrounding people. Leadership at Word of Life closely resembles

body may face.

this pattern set forth in the Old Testament. Making themselves readily available to students, knowing many by name, Word of Life leadership has taken the role of working with the students toward a common goal of impacting the world for Christ. They take time, devotion, and energy to support the students through Snow Camp, Gospel Productions Performances, or any other challenge the student

The success of these various ministries is made possible only through the strength of God, but is fueled by the vision of these men. A vision that stretches beyond the here and now. A vision that reaches out into eternity, and with that vision they strive to influence the students that God has entrusted to their care to reach the world with the saving knowledge of Christ.



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Ric Garland was saved in children’s church at the tender age of 6. His first experience with a Word of Life Club was in 7th grade. His youth leader began to disciple Ric, keeping him accountable to doing his Quiet Time every day. He graduated from Word of Life Bible Institute in 1977, and from there went on to Tennessee Temple University. It was there that Ric heard Jack Wyrtzen speaking at a chapel, and afterward he went up to meet Jack and the Local Church staff. He approached a man and said, “Hello, I’m Ric Garland. Does Word of Life have any openings?” The man replied, “I’m Mike Calhoun, and let’s talk.” So began a discipleship Joe Jordan came to know Christ as Savior while Jack Wyrtzen spoke at camp on Word of Life Island in 1961. God began to change Joe from a troubled teenager into a young man who desired to reach others with God’s truth. Joe graduated from Tennessee Temple University in 1969 with a degree in Bible and Theology, then furthered his education at Philadelphia College of the Bible and Lynchburg College as well as receiving a Doctor of Divinity Degree from Tennessee Temple. In 1969, Joe became a full-time missionary with Word of Life to Argentina, where he Tom Phillips received Christ in 1966 through a Word of Life Club Ministry located in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He dedicated his life to the Lord during a staff campfire service on Word of Life Island during the summer of 1971. In 1974, he joined Word of Life staff as an Area Missionary. He served in Tennessee until 1979, when Word of Life asked him to move to Anaheim, California to serve as a Southern California Area Missionary. He served on the West Coast for 12 years first as Area Missionary and then as West Coast Regional Director. In 1991,

relationship between Mike Calhoun and Ric Garland that resulted in them being best friends. Ric served as the Area Missionary for Western New York for 6 years and then as Area Missionary in Florida for 3 years. He also served as Southeast Regional Director for 9 years and National Coordinator for Local Church Ministries for 5 years. From 1995- 1999 he served as Assistant Director for the Island. He is now Vice President of the Word of Life Bible Institute in New York and has the privilege of speaking for Word of Life throughout the US and foreign countries. founded and directed the ministry. Through God’s blessing, a Bible Institute was formed as well as two camps and Clubs throughout the country. Argentina also serves as the home base, sending out missionaries to Spanish-speaking countries all over Central and South America as well as parts of Europe. Joe returned to the United States to serve five years as Senior Vice President of Ministries, then became the Executive Director of Word of Life Fellowship International, a position he has held since 1999. George Theis asked Tom to move to Hudson, Florida to direct the ministries of Word of Life in Florida. Tom currently serves as Vice President of Florida Ministries. He oversees the Florida Bible Institute Extension Campus, the Word of Life Florida Youth Camp, RV Park and the Conference Center. His life verse is Colossians 2:6,7: “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving’.’

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Ric Garland Vice President of Bible Institute

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Tom Phillips Vice President of Florida Ministries

Leadership 1 Opening


A rich heritage lies in the decades-long history of Word of Life Fellowship. Faithful men of God, never expecting fame or fortune have come to be known around the world, touching thousands of people. This is true influence, a true picture of the ripple effect. . . how one decision to witness to a friend can turn the world upside down. Jack Wyrtzen, Founder Ten years ago, Jack Wyrtzen

Spirit empowered him and he studied the Bible, he began to grow and envision great things for God. He soon formed Word of Life Fellowship, a ministry that God has used to reach thousands of people with evangelism and discipleship. In 1970, it was Jack’s vision to further use the already-winterized Ranch facilities that led to the Word of Life Bible Institute starting. He desired to influence a generation of students so that they, too, would know, grow, and show God in the same way he did.

Cavalry Band with Jack. However, the Gospel of John was only the beginning . . . throughout the following months, George was an example of Christ-like behavior. Though he had once been a troublemaker with no need for God, George began to show courage in defending the Lord and sharing the Gospel. Eventually, Jack agreed to attend a meeting with his friend. It was there that Jack heard the Gospel clearly, and later that night, he asked God to forgive his sins and enter his life. Since that moment, Jack’s life changed drastically. As the Holy

went to be with the Lord he served and loved. Though he is gene, his influence still lives on in the lives of his friends and the thousands of people around the world impacted by the ministry God used him to start. It is amazing the countries and the years that his ministry has spanned, but more than that, it is amazing the people he touched. Jack Wyrtzen’s first encounter with the Gospel was a red booklet of the Book of John that a friend gave to him one day. This friend, George Schilling, played in the 101st

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No one could have ever imagined the profound impact Jack had on the world. Trace it back a step farther though, to the man that led jack to Christ. George Schilling did not see God’s plan for the soul that he was reaching out to. Yet, where would so many of us be without George? He loved God and wanted to share Him. He had no idea how many people would be affected by his witness. Neither do you. You do not know the plans God has for that rebel in your Sunday School class, for that camper, for that neighbor. You never know what decision of yours will change the world. Opening I influence : 6

and, this encouragement was to excel in the Lord, not be successful in any other way. Harry especially noticed that throughout his entire life, Jack always led by example, most notably in his love for the Word of God, desire to win souls, hatred toward sin, desire for excellence, tireless work for God, and total commitment to the God he loved with all his heart. Whenever Jack worked with Harry, he was doing everything he could to make Harry the person that he should be . . . for the glory of God. | ) |

Harry fallback. Founder

Harry Bollback attributes the greatest impact in his life to his parents, who instilled Christian principles early in his life; his Sunday School teacher, who sent him to the camp where he accepted Jesus as his Savior; and his wife, Millie, who has always helped him in ail his work, been an encouragement, and lived as a great example of Christ. Beyond those profound influences, however, Harry counts Jack Wyrtzen as having a great impact. They met each other when Harry was sixteen years old, and from the beginning, Jack was interested in his life. Jack focused on encouraging Harry in everything he did,

Saved at the age of seventeen on Word of Life Island, George Theis attributes much of where he is now to his parents. “I thank the Lord for parents who pushed in the direction of the Lord.” It was after his father’s death, while searching through his Bible, that George discovered his father’s desire to have young men called into the ministry. That week, George came to Christ and from that moment felt a desire to preach. In 1959, George and his wife, Joan started the first Bible Clubs in Lakeland, Florida. In 1963, they joined the Word of Life team in Brazil and ten years later founded Palavra Da Vida in Recife. After twenty years in Brazil, they returned to

George Theis

Schroon Lake. In 1991, he became the Executive Director of Word of Life until 1999? Looking back at his many years with Word of Life, George recalls two men that greatly influenced his ministry. One being Don “Robbie” Robertson, who became one of George’s best friends while he was on the Island. It was Robbie who looked at George and said, “Word of Life needs young men like you!’ Another was none other than Jack Wyrtzen. George callsJack his Barnabas. Jack was a great encouragement to the Theis as they headed out to work with Cubs in the US and around the world and then as George came back to direct the ministry.

One of the earliest influences of Paul Bubar was the life of his father, a “bigger than life” man that lived fearlessly with strong convictions. Under the shadow of this great man, who was a preacher, evangelist, and politician, Paul saw many character traits to be admired. After losing his father, Paul lived with his brother, Joe. While watching his brother and the effects of God’s work in his life, Paul began his own ministry, pastoring a church in Northfield, Massachusetts - the hometown of evangelist D.L. Moody. Paul invited Jack Wyrtzen to come and preach, beginning a friendship that developed into a working relationship

between Paul and Jack. Paul talked with Jack about starting a club program centered in the local church. In 1959, ; Paul’s idea became a reality when Word !|| of Life Clubs began. Paul eventual ran $ Clubs during the year and directed the Island during the summer - for 20 years. He was instrumental in starting Snow Camp, and the School of Youth |;>{ Ministries and Evangelism at the Bible ' Institute, eventually known as the Second Year program. In it all, with the ; glory to God, Paul remembers the ; confidence that Jack had in him. Jack j trusted Paul to start or develop the ! different ministries, never doubting that i God would use him greatly. I

Paul Gubar


over 550 students

17 countries

31 states The diverse student body, various ministries, beautiful location, and excellent teaching of God’s Word are all factors that lead students to attend the Word of Life Bible Institute campus located in Pottersville, New York. Hundreds of people, young and old, from many different backgrounds, locations, and walks of life converge on the Pottersville campus every year, providing a unique atmosphere. Started in 1970, the Word of Life Bible Institute in New York, is just one part of the worldwide ministry of Word of Life. New York is home to over 550 students from around the world who have devoted themselves to studying only the Bible for one whole year. Returning students from New York and Florida also come to New York to complete the Second Year program. Through the teaching of both resident faculty and world renowned Bible scholars the courses provide a good foundation for future study and equip students for ministry or further education. Located on the shores of Schroon Lake in the Adirondack mountains, this campus is active all year long. Students are given many unique opportunities to participate in seasonal ministries, whether it be sports ministries throughout the year, Superbowls in the fall, Snow Camp in the winter, Open Air Evangelism in the spring, or camps all around the lake in the heat of summer. These countless opportunities to reach out to others help the students apply what they are learning in the classroom. Because of this training and application, many of the students and alumni from Word of Life New York can be seen serving God around the world. Snapshots fmrnNewYork


Opening !\jew York Campus

W h y

*1 enjoy the cold weather.

* The opportunity to minister through sports teams. * The variety of seasons and what they each bring...like Snow Camp!

*No alligators. (We do have horses, but horses don’t eat small students whole.)

New York

Even though most say they do not mind the cold, every now and then, NewYork students are caught pretending they are somewhere else.Jike Hawaii

Fromleftoright: * The Jack Wyrtzen Center, First Year classroom * The student body meets together on Sunday nights f or a worship service, l e db y students * Council Hall, Second Year classroom * On the shores of Schroon Lake, many students enjoy the scenery as they study. * Embers, a common hangout for students and the location of the Snak Shack.

New York Campus Opening

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100 students

4 countries

21 states Located in sunny Hudson, the Florida Bible Institute campus is home to students desiring to study the Word of God for a year. Participating in many of the same classes as their Bible institute counterparts around the world, the Florida students receive the added bonus of a beautiful campus, which is home to not only the George Theis Assembly Center for classes but also the where Gospel Productions hosts its performances. Recreation can be found at He-brews (the campus coffee-house) or at one of the many sports facilities or courses around the campus. The students now enjoy the added bonus of having the Word of Life Conference Center serve as their dormitory, where the rooms have been changed to accommodate the growing student body. Ministry is a big part of the Florida campus, as with any Word of Life Bible Institute. In the fall and spring, the students host members of the New York student body as they join together to minister through The Sights and Sounds of Christmas and Jesus, Behold the Man. This year, the Florida students were also able to aid the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Echoing the compassion of Jesus Christ, they learned how to minister to both the physical and spiritual needs of people who had close to nothing. With the combined effect of students learning Bible knowledge in the classroom or ministering to people they may have never met outside of it, the Florida Bible Institute provides a great atmosphere for laying a foundation of practical Christianity that can be used throughout life.

Snapshots from Florida




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Opening j Florida Campus


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* I am not too fond of snow. * We have a pool and a hot tub on campus. * We are close to the beach.

* The smaller student body, everybody knows everybody. Being able to be involved in both of the Gospel Productions Performances.



Students have group devos i n He-brews.

Prmo leftoright: * The Florida Conference Center, the new location of the student dormitories. Students worship together i n the BollbackPerformingArts Center The p o oinl He-brews, one highlight o fthe Florida campus. *Verna Williams working in the campus library, the LehmanStrauss Library. He-brews, the Florida campus hot spot, housing a coffee shopt, game room and pool.



Florida Campus Opening



(retting Into Students’ Lives

Faculty and Staff- New York

Influence - that is what our WOLBI Staff does with excellence! Whether in the office, at a meal, on or off campus - our staff strives to influence our students toward God and His purpose. That is the uniqueness of Word of Life Bible Institute - taking time to get to know our students and minister in their lives. ” ~ Ric Garland

Rachel Bodenstab

What message do you want to give the student body?

What do you enjoy about being on Word of Life staff?

Remember.. .Deut. 4:9, 29 Only take heed and guard your life diligently, lest you f o r gtet h ethings your eyes h a v eseen and lest they depart fromyour mindand heart all the daysofyour life. . . Se kthe Lord your God andyou will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and

Getting toattend theBible Institute eveyr year, thinking that I’ m still 18 years- old,andgetting to give back in thevery placethat somuchwas givento me.

Academic Dean Professor

Carla Gray Assistant Dean of Women

New York Campus

Dan Arth

Admsisions Couns elor


ChefM a n aegr

Discipleship Coordinator

Annie Christ

lason Dunnapan

Discipleship Coordinator

AssistantDeanofAdmis ions

A c da e mcDi ean/Pr ofesso r

TransportationI n tren


Dean of Women

Admissions Counselor

Admsisions Couns elor

TechI n tren

Vice President

DeanofM iinstr ie s

Housekeepni gCo rdni ator

UN/ Health Center Administrator

Busines Office

People Faculty and Staff

Carla Gra

As si s at nt Deanof Women Darvl lackssn____________

Assi st ant DeanofMen

Baker yM anage r

Children sMinistrIyntern

New York Campus

Ad mi n itsr at i v eRecept ioni st

Wendv Williamson

Not Pictured:

Ben Barnes, Ralph Deshetsky,

Maintenance Intern

Maintenance Coordinator

Mike Eaton,


Don Eger, A. K TechServi ces Nate Geiser,

Maintenance Intern

Cristy Henson, Jim Henson, Jessica Kelso,


FinancialAidAdministrator MissionResalityIntern

Liz Kuhn, Ranch Intern Bob McFadden, Chef Ben Parsons,

I nter nat ionalSt udent C o r dnia tro

Mai nt enance

Eric Roginski, Craig Streicher,



Amy Twigg,


* Sarah Bubar and Liz Storman. * Ralph Deshetsky * Annie Christ and Becca Westcomb, women’s volleyball coaches. * Though not an official member of Bl Staff, Josh Ely playeda vital leadership roleworkingwith the Unit Leaders during SnowCamp. * Nootnlydoes hework inthe ministry department, Tim Carter also serves as coach for the women’ s basketball team.

People 17

Faculty and Staff

A Year in the North Country They come, many not knowing what to expect. They find themselves in an uncommon environment with roommates who snore, sing, or are just plain strange. Challenged by becoming active in ministry they learn to adapt and form friendships with many different kinds of people. As God molds each one, relationships are strengthened and unforgettable experiences take place, and that terrifying, bone- chilling winter they had heard so much about, turns out not so bad after all. That’s how it is as a New York First Year

18 People


New York Campus


Stephen Brown


First Year

Suing Poubk This year's First Year class had a very unique characteristic...four sets of twins.

Jesse and Mark Fisher

Kristel and Sabrina Adib

Jon and Joshua Zerbini

Aaron and Garrett Beer



New York Campus



First Year

Sarah Hudpins

laclvn Hummel


New York Campus

Allow God to take your weaknesses and be strong through them. Allow God to be everything you need. His strength is sufficient”

Jen Crago was raised in a Christain home. However, around the age of eleven she began to be depressed, h ate God and li fe . She found her life was falling a pa rt as situations and circumstances caused problems in her family. “I knew there was a God, and I knew th a tHe cared about me, but I just didift believe it because of e v e r yitnhgthat was happening.” Sin kin gto the depths of d e s pra, i there wer e poi nts when she contemplated suicide. Jen cameto Snow Camp in 2 0 0 0and heard a message about how everybody should give 1 0 % of themselves to God. This challenged her, and she dedicated her life to God. As she trusted God, thi ngs be ga n to change in her

family. Jen went to a seminar soon after, where she was challenged to find out i f she knew for sure whether she was going to Heaven. Aftershe gainedassurance in Christ, Jen beganto gro.w She mni si te re d in her c h ur ch and youth group and soon arrived at the point where she was completely focused on Chri st, and He w a senough f or h er . Jen began to have a d e srie to work with teenagers in the local church as she mentored girls in a Bible study. She de ci ded to come t o the Bi bl e Institute for a solidfoundatioAsn. she looks back on h e rli fe , she holds fast to 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. Though the road to Christ was not the easiest, she c a nnow say she ha s only been m aed strong t hr ough her SaviotS power.

Jen Crago


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18 years old Massachusetts

vunp “Caroline” Kim



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First Year People


“Live your life to glorify God. That’s why God made us” Jul ie r em em bres her childhood

but nothing changed in her lifestyle until she went to SYHE at Wor do f L i.fTehe re s he began t ol earn more abo ut her Savi or . It was at SYHE she learned how t o be sure o fher sal vation, and fromthat p o i nont , has been sold on living for God. She says, “I want t omake mysel fi nsi de a n d outsidfeullofGod. ” She chose to attend the Bible Institute after that year to get to know God more. As a word of enouragement to her fellow students, Julie says, “Live your lifetoglorify God. . . that! why God madeus.” Bywatching the way she acts, even amidst adversity, anyone can see that Julieisnotonlylivingherlifeto glorify God but also making herselffullof God... insidaend out.

as b ein ganythi ng b u teasy. Even thougsh egrew up in a lovnig Christian family, she was born with limiting handicaps which made her t he center of ri di cul e in schol.oHerlather, a pastor, ofund the ministry to be a difficult lifestyle, and when Julie was young, heturned fromspiritual things. Afet rtwoyean awayfrom God, the family attention was grippedwhenetyhall becamseick with malaria. Julie was hit the wont, andlost sight in one eye as a result. The familymoved for a year to g e th epl t oheal her eye butnothingworked. Finally, her father moved the family back toSouthKorea and returdnetobeinga pastor.Once again, Jul ie st ruggl ed i n sc hool . Atagetwelv,eshetrustedChrist,

Julie Kim

20 years old South Korea



New York Campus



Hillarv Jive

Hve-Eun “Diana ” Nam

Peopld First Year 25



New York Campus

Kimberly Rv

Br ia n Shanesv

People 27

First Year

“Nothing we do matters unless it’s for our Creator. . . . I can do nothing apart from Him!’

J.D. Frick

developa passion to tell other peopel !1 In the fall of 2004 j.D. contemplated coming to the Bbi el Insti tute bu t i nst ead went elsewhere. The whole time, however, hewas thinking about t he truth and what h ewant ed to share with the Mormno girl. When fall came, he headed to WOLBI, andsincethen has been learning more abouetvagnelmis and howh ecan tell other people aboutChrist Refcletni gonJames 4:14,J.D. encourasgteudsentsto look at their actions inthe scope o feterni ty, saying, “Nothing w e do matters unless it’s for our Creator.”

“Awesome - I can’t overepmhasizaeweosme”,is how J.D. Frick desrcibeshis Christian family. He was saved and baptizedaroudnthe age ofnine yet soon fell away from his family’s beliefsA.s hewandred and backslid, he turned from what he had once believed to alcohol and bad relationships. When h ewas t went y- two years ol d ,t hou gh , he decided t oc ha nge his habits and livefor Christ He was working at a gym with a Mormongirl, and tienractingwith her began t omake hmi q usetio n why he believed what he bel ieved. A s he began to seek Godwhol e he ar t edl yand r ead t he Bible, he says, “I began to

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24 years old Missouri

Melissa Ward


New York Campus

Not Pictured:

Aaron Beer Phi li p Sochor

Lindsay Abemthey

First Year People



“I’ll never cowe back!” That’s what they said last year. However, this year, one of the largest groups ever from the First Year Programs in both New York and Florida came to New York to build on their solid Biblical foundation. Through more challenging classes and different opportunities to minister, they found practical ways to apply what they have learned. Finding themselves in a more stretching, ministry-oriented environment, they rose to be leaders on campus and literally took their influence around the world. This is the opportunity available to those First Year students who make the choice to come back for Second Year

New York Campus

Aimee Doerinp

'ayoucometosecondyean T hibault

L aurens I felt I needed to be more prepared togo into the world. First year made me realize that God had tobefirst, and I wanted to beready and spiritually equipped.

I loved first year — getting all the Bible knowledge, came back to second year tolearn how to practically apply it. Imlooking togooverseas as a missionary, and I thought this would be a great step to further my knowledge of Gods Word as well as continuing to be discipled.

jrdan P etrovich

L anyon I wanted to use second year as a foundation t ogetting my degree in Bible. Word of Life is the only accredited place where you can get good Bible knowledge and practical application.

Because its practical. I ttakes everything you learned in first year and shows you howtoput it inpractice.


Second Year

From the creative genius of Mike Eaton, this year First and Second Year students alike were introduced to “Speed Dating!’ Many shuddered at the idea. However, for those that participated, it proved to be a very memorable activity. Students were encouraged to get to know each other in a “no-pressure” environment. Many came in costume and others portrayed interesting personalities. It is unknown if any lasting relationships developed because of the activity, but memories were certainly made.

Above: Maybe a little extreme? Jeremy Davis i ncostume. Far left: Amy Kelly, a very estudious young woman. Left: Dave Sperring attempts t ofind someone for his roommate, Andy Mo o r e .


New York Campus

“He came down to earth for me. I was nothing!’


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, , v 25 years old South Korea V

As a child, Toby Lee would take the money his mother gave himfor church and spend it on himself, playing arcade games or buying things he enjoyed. Through a series of events, he came to the point where he found his life was noth­ ing; he purposed to live giving back to God. Though he did not grow up in a Christian family, Toby attended church as a child because of his mother, who was herself driven by an alcoholic husband. Toby didrit enjoy it at all, and he quickly found ways to skip. After many years, he finally told his mother that he did not want togo and she allowed himtostop. Afew years later a friend invited him to a summer youth camp where Toby saw a live portrayal of the death of Christ. As the Roman soldiers beat Christ, many of the teenagers were crying loudly. Toby did not know what to thi nk until

Christ was nailed to the cross and the actor portraying Him screamed to the crowd, “ Why are you crying? It$ because of your sins that I am here.’’ It was a t t h a tmoment t h a tToby realized that Christ came to earth for him, and without Christ, he was nothing. Toby became more involved in his youth group, but it was not until he went to another youth camp the next summer that he actually trusted Christ as his Savior. After hearing a cl ear Gospel presentation and Jim ElliottL life story, Toby dedicated his life to Christ. He real­ ized, “If I can live that kind of meaningful life, I will be happy!’ The boy, who had once stolen money meant for God to live for himself, de­ termined to give his life to God and to serve Him however he could.

Second Year

“Focus on falling in love with Christ”

Holmes , I



After high scho,l Carol went to the Bible Institute in Florida, following in her sisteis footsteps. Though she is not sure what she wants to do in the future, she does knowshe wants to do it with all of her heart. With vivid memories from a missions trip to the Bahamas, where she ministered in public schoolsC,arol is interested in short term missions. She encourages students to stay focused on the Bibleand not be distracted by other things, and, above all, “focus on falling in love with Christ.”

Carol wastold by her mother that she w a s saved when she was three, but she never remembered anything happening. She lived thinking she was saved and was baptized whne she was eight years old. Though she never did anything really bad, when she was thirteen she realized that she was not living for Christ. Carol was at a BigTent Revival, an event where there is Christian musicand a message from the Bible, and decided that she wanted to dedicateher lifeto Christ.


[\jew York Campus

What do you think?

How has a fellow student changed your life? “My roommates have influenced me this year to be passionate about learning, serving, ministry, missions, and just talking about God more often. ” -Anna Scheurich

“My RA will confront me on things I am struggling with, and no one has ever really done that before. ” -Bekah Booher

What is the most important lesson you learned this year? “To trust God moment by moment and realize that God’s dream for my life is so much better than mine, and though I may not realize what’s going on, He has a plan. ” -Beth Neffinger

“I learned a lot from Dr. Wicks and how he wants us to enjoy the small things . . . like enjoying lunch. If we can’t enjoy the small things, we won’t enjoy the big things later.” - Jeff Perry

How do you want people to remember you?

“As a man who desired to live his life fully devoted to Christ — unwavering, unshaken, and unspotted. ” - Ken Fisher

“Like Philippians 1:20-21, where it talks about how living is Christ and dying is gain. I want people to see Christ lived through me. ” - Josh Carlson



Second Year

It’s okay to be where you are spiritually, but it’s not okay to stay there”

Samantha Sickel


19 years old

As a s e ni o r in high school , Andrew discovered his father had cancer. He learned to rely on God, but it wasiit until he came to the Bible Institute that he found out what it was like to trust God completely. Originally, he came tothe Bible Institute with his sef-declared “own agenda,” but found God worki ng on his attitude through the scho sol’theme of perspective. Andrew decided he wanted to have an eternal perspective and live for what really mattered. Part way through the year, his father died; Andrew relied on God, and he became encouraged by his father’s life. With his dads’ example in mind, Andrew now wants to invest his life in people by servign God through misions, as his father did, and share with people how they can know Christ.

When Andrew was ten years old, his father came home from a day at the Bible Institute and led the family in devotions. It was February 14, 1996, and as his father shared from Revelation, Andrew, being “ freaked out about being left behind!’ made the decision to trust Chirst. Andrewhas lived a god part of his life in Ukraine, where his parents were the founding missionaries for Word of Life. When he was in seventh grade, they moved to the United States permanently. It was then that Andrew became a part of a church youth group. He vividly remembers the one night his youth pastor shared, “ I t s’ okay to be where you are spiritually, but it’s not okay to stay there!’ As a result, Andrew began to work hard at being involved more in his church and school.


People 36

New York Campus

Summer Ministry

As part of the unique academic structure at Word of Life, students participate in one quarter of summer ministry. For many students, this is done at one of the many Word of Life camping/ conference facilities: Island, Ranch, Family Campground, Inn, or Florida camps. Students serve as counselors for campers, supervisors for the summer staff, or as unit leaders. Some students also take the opportunity to travel to California for two weeks to participate in West Coast camp. The summer ministry helps students to apply what they have learned in the previous three academic quarters.



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Second Year

Entered First Year Winter 2006

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Entered Second Year Winter 2006

Entered F isr t Year Winter 2006

Entered S e cnodYear Winter 2006

Entered F isr t Year Winter 2006

Entered F isr t Year Winter 2006


New York Campus




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Not pictured:

josh Hendricks

Compel t ed S eoc n dYear

Winter 2006

Sarah Mi chal ik EnteredFirstYear Winter 20 06

Entered F isr t Year Winter 2006

Entered F isr t Year Winter 2006

Entered Erist Year Winter 2006


January/March Students

From Around the World “I'm so thankful to work with the 60 + international students here at WOLBI. They impress me because most are so thankful to be here to study God’s Word. It's not always easy to get a visa to come to the U.S. but God has a purpose for each of their lives and I’m thankful for them." - Wendy Williamson The Word of Life Bible Institute is proud to be the place of learning for the many international students who want to further their knowledge of the Bible. Many of them come from South Korea, where Word of Life has an effective SYME (School of Youth Missions and Evangelism) school that teaches Bible and English. There are also students from England, Uganda, Australia, Brazil, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Kenya, France, Bermuda, Aruba, Japan, and others. The staff at the Bible Institute is dedicated to helping these students master English and be able to take the knowledge gleaned here and back home, in essence, reaching the world.

Bringing it Home


Every year at the Bible Institute a number of married and older students attend. These students often stay at the Family Campground located just off-campus. They come to classes and take tests just like every other student.. The difference with these students though is the opportunity to apply their knowledge. They take what they have learned in the classroom and bring it home, applying it to married life and family life. There is also the added challenge of learning how to balance their classes and their families, but in the end it is their desire to know the Word of God that inspires them to press on.

New York off-campus students: Jarod and Melanie Burrer, Megan Callister, Sang-yeup Chang, Earl and Deborah Copenhaver, Roberto DeLucia, Robert French, Justin Gambel, Linda Gerardi, Jerry Gilbert, David Gross, Bobby Lanyon, Ryan and Sarina Robbins, Lynn Schaman, Flizbet Schnugger, Kevin Wilson

People New York Campus

leading by Example

Student Leadership


A unique ministry is given to multiple students at the Bible Institute. Instead of hiring outside help to serve as leaders, students are called upon to serve in various leadership roles such as RA, Unit Leader, Work Program, and Supervisor. Resident Assistants (RAs) are reperesentatives of the Dean’s Staff in the dorms and serve through discipleship and maintaining a positive student life atmosphere. Unit Leaders are called upon during the camping seasons to oversee counselors or work areas. Students that participate in the Work Program serve as leaders in various work areas all year’ round. Students are also given the opportunity to be supervisors of their specific work crew. Regardless of the position, students learn how to be servant leaders and their biggest tool for influence is their example. By learning to be faithful in these areas, the students learn important principles they can use in leadership later in their lives.

Resident Assistants Brett Allen, Ken Baratta, Joye Barnhart, Cody Barr, Weston Berry, Craig Boyer, Bill Burton, Josh Carlson, Brandon Collins, Jen Crago, Elisabeth Dineen, Crystal Eichelberger, Jaci Faisst, Cesar Fleitas, JD Frick, Eric Garland, Rachel Gasser, Maghen Goodman, Cheryl Gredlein, Leah Ruth Greenberg, Renee Hartsman, Kendra Hawley, Holly Hodel, Derek Hummel, Bob Jones, Lily Jung, David Kirabira, Jen Knorr, Genevieve Leduc,

David Lee, Toby Lee, Lyndsay Longon, Ebenezer Megles, Lauren Miller, Andrew Moroz, Jake Morse, Carrie Mossop, Rachel Raffo, Bonnie Robertson, Stan Roe, Aaron Rohrer, Tim Roy, Dani Ryssemus, Kyle Singer, Melanie Smith, Bill Spencer, John Stiffler, Abby Tompkins, Brittany Troyer, Jenny Warkentein, Claire Williams, Adam Wills, Lindsey Young


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Hannah Anderson, Nate Benjamin, Ben Best, Bekah Booher, Amy Boyer, Jodi Brison, Emily Brown, Carla Cavalcanti, Beth Chamberlain, M i k eChoi, lliana Croes, Charlise DaCunha, Ni col e Dillistone, Veronica Erwin, Bryan Feuling, Brianna Gingrich, Kirsten Gonzalez, Lauren Gray, Jessica Harris, Carol Holmes, Tabitha Hood, Cory Hyden, Jae Cheon Jung, Larissa Keiter, Amanda Kilcollins, Emilie Laurens, Jessica Martin, Amy Masters, Kayla Mathison, Andrew M o o rMea,rc More au, Bridget Nyhuis, Cassandra Nyhuis, Andrew Parks, Robert Parks, Annamarie Perry, Heidi Pomerleau, Jonathan Rineer, Samantha Sickel, Jennifer Smith, Nick Starks, Chris Tatro, Katie Thibault, Melissa Ward

Rusty Ab el , Brett Allen, Hannah Anderson, Joye Barnhart, Ben Best, Bekah Booher, Bill Burton, J os h Carlson, Carla Cavalcanti, Dave Collins, Brandon Collins, Jen Crago, Jeremy Davis, Ray Deck, Elisabeth Dineen, Crystal Eichelberger, Veronica Erwin, J D Frick, Eric Garland, Maghen Goodman, Cheryl Gredlein, Denise Hardy, R enee Hartsman, H ol ly H od el , Cory Hyden, Nate Jenks, Amanda Kilcollins, David Kirabira, Tim Knight, Jen Knorr, Dave Lee, T ob yLee, Jess Martin, Ebenezer Megl es , Lauren Mi lel r, Carrie M oos spJ,eppe Nel son, Jordan Petrovich, Bonnie Robertson, Aaron Rohrer, Tim Roy, Mindy Shoultz, Kyle Singer, Melanie Smith, Abby Tompkins, Lisa VanderWier, Jenny Warkentein

New York Campus ^eoPle

Florida Staff Because of the smaller student body in Florida, the staff is smaller as well. However, the few members of this team pull together amazingly well. Many of them fill more than one position in order to influence the lives of the students.

Keith Balsle

Darla Dowd

Discipleship Coordinator

Execut i ve Secretary/Nurse

lichael Lutz

ResidentPr of e s sro

MusicInet rn


One in the Sun

Choosing the sunny land of Florida over the icy terrain of New York, these students come from North and South alike to spend one year in God’sWord, all while working on their tan! Florida Students



Florida Campus


Becca Robinson

Dr. Chuck Scheide

Tim Seybol t

Tnm Philli

C on fere nce Cent erI nt er n I----------------------

D ean of Women

As s o c i aEtxe cut i ve Dean

Admissions/Ministry/Office I n tren


Terri Vicioso


Transportation Intern Discipleship Coordinator

Billybob Brownridge,

Andy Ingersoll,

>■ % Academic Intern

I. __________________________________ I

Staff and Students People

Dennis George m i KatieSinger

David Parker, Timothy Ban, andJacob Smith

Andrea Beider, Nikki Gre n, and Alex Smith


Florida Campus

Rodney Niven

“Christ will get you through it or you wouldn’t be put in it” Jessica did not growupin a Christian home, but occasionally attended church with her father. At seven, onone of those rare trips tochurch, she acceptedJesus Christ as her Savior, but didn’t know what it really meant tobea Christian. She gave up on God and Christianity altogether after her parents divorced when she was 10. She was diagnosed with clinical her friends church regularly. In December of 2004, she gave her life completely over toChrist. Jessica Johnson

“With depression, I was only able to feel happiness for short periods of time. When I gavemylife toChrist, I gave Him everything, and because of that, I’ve known genuine happiness for the first time. All my self-destructive thoughts and behaviors are gone. Its like a blindfold has been taken frommy eyes. It is absolutely indescribable what God has doneinmylife. Itsstrange. . . [during the] nine years of medications, counseling, therapy and doctors, there wasrit much change, but five minutes with God, and I was completely healed!” Jessica finished one year at the community college, then decided to attend the Wordof Life Bible Institute. She came knowing virtually nothing about the Word of God, but now, is beginning a new life, built on a firm foundation.

depression that haunted her for nine years. During that period of time she attempted suicide twice, both times landing her in the hospital. In 2004, she graduated from high school, and that fall she started attending a community college. For thefirst time in her life, she was surrounded with Christian friends who truly and genuinely loved the Lord. “ I was meeting somany amazing people andwitnessing their faith at work. Godwas really doing a work in mewhich caused me towant toknowHim!’ Afriend took her toa Bible Study, and then she began attending


People 45

First Year

Alex Smith


Daniel Steele

Shaina Spector

Matt Smith

Dan Hannah

Florida Campus

No matter how far you stray from God, He& always there when you come back, waiting to pour out His blessings on you”

loses Term

In the summer of 2000, at a Christian Camp in Southern France, Pierre sat listening toa message about salvation. The title of the messagewas “Jesus Is Knocking at the Door of Your Heart”. It was that day that Pierre finally realized he had been ignoring the knocking, and he decided to open the door and receive Jesus as his personal Savior. Although his parents were immature in their faith while hewas growing up, it was about the same time he got saved that they started to get serious about their faith. The years following his salvation, however, he did not see Godworking in his life. “ I later realized that the reason I did not see Godworking in my life was because I didrit take any personal time with God in prayer or anything else concerning God,” he says. In high school, he was pulled between livinghis faith andliving like

his non-Christian friends. One day his best friend invited himtoa Word of Life Camp where he was introduced to his need for time in Gods Word and prayer. He then made the decision to give his life completely toChrist and start living for Him. Fromthat time on, Pierre began toseeGodat work inhis life. “Its amazing tosee that nomatter howfar you stray fromGod, Hes always there when you come back, waiting to pour out His blessings on you!’ As he began to dig deeper into Gods Word, he realized he needed to start telling others about Jesus. He also realized he wanted to get a better understanding of the Bible, so he decided toattend the Word of Life Bible Institute where he is learning toapply Gods principles tohis life.

Pierre Macario

Megan Terbrock

Verlie Thomas iminimi i n


oe Timmer

ohn Turner

Samantha Van Cam

Lyzz Truchon

Stephanie Wright

Kristin Whitaker

First Year

Joel Andrews

Tom Charette

Mandie Chestnut


Entered F isrtYear Winter 2006

Entered F isr t Year Winter 2006

Entered F isr t Year Winter 2006

Sebastian Murillo

Chuck Parson

Cherise Pratt

Entered First Year Winter 2006

Entered F isr t Year Winter 2006

Complet ed Fi rst Year F a l l2005

Toni Charette and Nikki Greene

f)avid Rmrlprknpfhr

Vprlip Thnmat



Florida Campus

Top: Nikki Green, Jamie Joyce (staff), JessicaJohnson Bottom: Jacob Tise, Daniel Steele

January Students


Please © Start unrackinu dishes between the arrows

With life consisting of classes, service assignments, runs to Wal-Mart, no TV, and a lot of coffee, a year or two of the Bible Institute can provide lasting memories.

A Pay in the Life...

of a Word of Life Student

Living life in “the bubble” is not easy. Class schedules keep students busy in the morning. Service assignments, physical education classes, practices, assignments, reading, and study hours can tend to tie up afternoons and evenings. Add to this living with three or more roommates with limited space and it can easily become overwhelming as students have little time to themselves. Inspite of all this, students still find ways to slow down, focus on God and relieve stress even if it is on campus. Granted, there are those few off campus hot spots as well.


In the morning, students have time set aside for their spiritual growth. Joefloore digs into his copy of ine kriptures during Quiet Time.

For five hours in the morning, students sit through various classes taught by resident professors and lecturers from all over the country. Shaina Spector and Aaron Coalson smile for the camera. While at the Bl, every student participates in a service assignment in order to help maintain the campus. A lick Keeler rakes upleaves for afternoon maintenance. Often in the afternoon, students have free time to spend as they like. Florida students use their free hours to relax by the pool.


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Student Life

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