Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2006


___ Womenfe Soccer

We would sweat together and pick little black flies out of each others' eyes.

C hristie S mith , F irst Y ear

For many players on the women’s Soccer team, this year introduced a new way to play soccer, with Christ as the basis of everything they did with the sport. As the girls met for the first time and began to form their team, they found that the common bond of Christ made them close even through intense practices. They became a true team very quickly as they encouraged each other. This closeness in Christ became important while playing, when they had to be an example both during and after the game. Soccer was no longer just about winning. Since the girls would not necessarily get a chance to talk to the other team after the game about Christ, they had to show their Savior on the field. Though often the games were, as one team member put it, a “trial in patience,” the team could see that this patience was possible through Christ, the only One Who could bring such unity.

The Team

Back row, fromleft toright: Liz Mayell, Amanda Walker, Bethany Harris, Katie Thibault, CoachJessikah F os s e Kalli Totman, Ashley Barlow, Ashley Whyte, Elizabeth Neffinger, Anna Scheurich, Katie Everson, Christie Smith Front row:



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