Drama Ministr
“Young people would rather watch a story than listen to a guy tell it. They’d rather watch a drama than hear the same message being preached" S arah B ubar , D rama C oach
In a society that encourages people to use talents to glorify sel,f it goes a ga i ns t the grai n to do something for someone else, but thi s is the attitude that t hi s year’ s d r a m ateam di spl ay ed. Under the di recti on of Miss Sarah Bubar and wi th the help of Carla Ca va l ca nt i, this year’s teams of students were able to reach out to countless people. Drama took on a different t wi s t this y e a r , wi th intense vi sual props, makeup and many of the dramas incorporat ing more music and video. Each q ua r t e trhere was a new project, wi th Harvest Jamboree-Fall Quarter, Snow Camp-Winter Quarter and traveling-Spring Q ua rter. Long hours of practice was put into each drama to ensure it was done with excellence. Throughout the y e a r t, he group would do e x t r aperformances for chapels, senior class trips and even the Valentines’ Banquet. However, the main focus all y e a rwas to reach people wi th the Gospel of Christ and to that end, many drama team members made i t a point to counsel people. Through the d rama s, many people came to trust Chri st, and to this group of talented young people, that is reallywhat its all about.
T o t h eleft: Lindsay Abernathey i n the Harvest Jamboree drama
Harvest Jamboree
Using real-to-life props and moving video, this interactive drama leads the audience through a crime scene and a forensics lab where the reality of edath isshown and the Gospel presented. After becomingwitness to a murder, they enter an interrogation room and watch a video depicting the lives and choices o fthe different victims...then they are asked t omake a choice: choose Christ or no ?
...Jesus took that bullet for you...
occurs every day...
“Set Me Free"
On Friday nights during Snow Camp, this musical drama was performed to “Set Me Free” by Casting Crowns. Through powerful vocals byAaron Rohrer, lighting, timing and makeup, this drama illustrates the entrapment o fthe unsaved t osin and the freedom found i nJesus Christ, challenging the audience, “D oyou want to be free?”
...Jesus, rescue me.’’
^^M inistry
New York Campus
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