Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2006

“I love being able to work with such diverse people . . . theres no way such different people could all get along except for the grace of God and the blood that saved us” J ennifer K norr , T eam M ember

Back row: Lindsay Abernathey, Amanda Kruppenbacher, Priscilla Cavalcanti, Jamee Rivera, Amanda Kontz Front row: Aaron Menard, Mike Yorgey, jeppe Nelson, Ray Deck, Ben Bacon

Fromleft toright: Rachel Gasser, Heidi Gower, Brett Allen, Carla Cavalcanti, Jake Greer, Nate Benjamin, Abby Tompkins, Jen Knorr, Josh Wade, Beth Chamberlain

Performed on Saturdays during SnowCamp, this drama used music and video to reach out to the campers. Touching a variety of topics fromapathy and abuse topurity and witnessing, it impacted many lives resulting in lives being changed.

...living without Him is even harder...

...are you ready to be real?”

Sarah Bub ar , thedramac oa c,hb rni gas u ni q u e J en Knorr an dNate Benjamin in“Th eChair Skit!’ a s ho ret r s e n soeffuna ndspontanaitytot heministry. drama pe rf or medfo rs e ino rclass t r isp.

Rac hel Gasser a nd Carl aCavalcanti. Carla helda Work P r orgamposi tionas an assistant a ndhelpedb eihndt hes cen es .

Drama Ministry

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