(rod became a Maw Jesus: Behold the Man
This year, Gospel Productions introduced a new play for the Easter season. Entitled Jesus: Behold the Man, this play emphasized the life and miracles of Christ as well as following Him through the death, burial, and resurrection. The play focused on His identification with humanity but all the while upholding His diety, as scenes pictures the temptation in the wilderness, the feeding of 5000 and numerous miracles of healing that Christ performed. Featuring a brand new script and new songs, preparing this production for its debut involved long hours practicing and recording. In the end though, the work bore much fruit as students were able to share the story of Christ with thousands of people and see many come to a saving faith.
My favorite scene was the last supper because it was just like Jesus talking to His best friends before He died. I thought it was very powerful to see how much He lo vde them and to let them know that He wasn’t leaving them without hope. I was also a mocker at the crucifixion, and it reminded me that when I sin that i swhat I do to him. To see Jesus look down in love from the cross, it showed me His compassion and that ev en though I spit o nHi sface He still l ov es me and wants me t obe Hi s child... He i s my king, my Savior and my Friend. He is someone I can talk to and really rely on even though I c a n ’t necessarily s e eHim. He became a l o tmore personable to me.
Written by Daniel Steele
Carol Kennyas Martha.
Blind Bartamaeus played by Ryan Rosengrant
Aaron Menrad
116 Ministry
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