Triumph over Tragedy I thought, “God, why would you allow something so bad, so devastating, and so
mean?” How coulda God solovingdo somethinsgo hateful?... Thenext thing we came to was a church... I sawacross that said “love”I almoststarted crying, considering that I had just questioned why God had done this. I felt at that moment that He was basicallytel ing me that this worldneeds love!Notjust any love, but HIS love.
Kortnei Brown
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TobyDoylestands next to an uprootedtree.
Florida Discipleship Coordinator, C.J.Jones, carriespieces ofrubble awayfrom a damaged house. Shiana Paradis holds uppieces ofmoldyboard. Floodingfrom the Hurricane damagedmany ofthe houses. Members ofthe team work with insulation in a ceiling.
Hurricane Katrina Ministry
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