A Common Cause Bible Institute Ministry Teams
In Florida, students are stretched in ways beyond their imagination. The small student body is separated intoteams that perform many functions. Students on these teams were exposed to a v aire ty of mi ni stri es t hi s year. Some events they took pa rt in include Open A i r E va ng el i sm, J udgement House, Superbowl s, March Madness, D i sc i pl e sh i p NOW! and Hurrci ane Katrina Relief. Some also found themselves helping in the Florida Conference Center or reachi ng out to the local churches. Gifts and a bi l it ie s were exposed and used for God’ s glory. Though there may have been a great di versi ty in m i ni s t r y s, tudents were united around a common cause, to glorify God in all that they did.
Local Church Teams Faith EV Free
Watermark CQm.mjJ.DLty.
irst Baptist of New Port Richev
122 Ministry
Florida Campus
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