Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2006

taking Melody

Music Ministry

Students in Florida put into practice /hat it means to have a song in your eart. With many of the students in jCollegians, ensembles and praise bands, here is constantly an element of nusic on the campus along with the pminder of what true worship is. It is ot a stage performance or hitting all f the right notes, but instead is a heart pat lives in constant reverence and we of God. Out of that awe and love ows our true worship.

Praise Team

J. Andrews E. Bebernitz E. Shelton C. Welborn C. Wright S. Wright


erry Pemberton

ollegians in practice wit



A. Brewer

E. Cutting J. Goodman D. Hannah L. Joyce A. Kan E. Mortensen


R. Morris B. Pierre


Drama and Music


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