Bringing it all together Every year, a group of students start a nine month long journey. With the help of advisors, outside editors, and publisher representatives (as well as some amazing Florida students!), their goal is to capture the essence of Word of Life and put it on paper. This book that you hold is literally the result of hundreds of hours of work, thousands of pictures, and at least 20 miles of aerobic activity. It would not have been at all possible without the strength and grace of God as well as each of the following people working hand in hand day in and day out to make it happen, all to the glory of God.
The Influence student staff: Joshua Royce, layout design Lindsey Young, photographer Liz Haughey, photographer
Jessica Harris, editor Jen Slothower, writer Ray Deck, photographer
Jessica tlarris student 0ditor
Knowing where to start is always the most difficult When I accepted this position, I had no idea wftat Gocf had in storefor me orfor this book. Now, a year fater, I can cfaim no glory of my own 6ut give afC of it to Gocf ancf my cfeepest j gratitude to... M y Heavenly Father, witfumt You I woufef fiave given up back in Faff quarter, it is otify by Your grace ancf strengtfi tfxat tftis book stands completed. The Garlands, for believing I could do it long before I knew wftat I was cfoing. Saffy atuiAdam, for trusting me w'itfttfiis. Thank you for your constructive aiticism andfor thinking outside o fthe box. J R achel McCray, your patience amazes me. You are a true woman of grace. TftanfLsjbri sfearing Fforidd.
My staff- Lindsey > Liz,Jen->Josh, and Ray, the best staff I could have ever had, I am so blessed. We woufef not 6e done without your dedication, patience, persevemnee and most of all, yourfriendships. A f ways remember rabbit trails and golden sfiovefs *smife* Momma, Gramma, andGrampa, for the steady flo w o f cowtsel and tmfailing love. I woufei not be wfto I am i f it were not for y o u My bestfriend- Tab for your encoumgement and listening ear over the lastfive years and, I’m sure, fo r years to come. M y siblings-Justin, JJ, andJen, for your comic relief and great ideas. Go figure that three offour of us woufef be on a yearbook sta ff at tfie same time! I am so proitef o fyou guys! Abs, fo r staying close a year after the fa c t ..I’ll miss ya! M y roommates-Jo, Lyndz, andSindia, for faithful “editing” and support. My “ individuals ”- (too many to fist; you know who you are)for yourfhettdship, wisefom, leech repellent, ancf Dutcfi Bfitz! Its because o fyourflexible schedules that I had a social life. Gocf 6Cess ancf "take fuck” untif we meet again. To tfie reader, thanks to those ofyou that submitted pictures ancfprayers :-) I hope this book is onefidl offun memohes. May you seek in every moment a way to be an influence. Finishing withJoy, Jessica
It seems that everyday in I face a new trial, a new mountain that I never knew would have to climb. I try and I fall; time and time I struggle and fail, through the pain, 1grow learn more and more to trust the hand of God, looking back I realize that the powerful hands that formed these trials are the pierced hands that will get me through.
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