fhank you... As with any major project, there are always many people working behind the scenes. They often go innoticed, yet their effort is what makes the final result what it is. This is our opportunity to thank them. Dur Heavenly Father, the only way that such different people could stay united. May this bring You glory. Rachel McCray and Fran Ingersoll, our Florida “yearbook staff’ :-), for the pictures and the patience. Ed Deegan and Amy Devine, for helping keep us on schedule and thinking outside of the box. Harry Bollback, for giving us our office. Nikki Green, our unofficial Florida photographer. Our “wheels”: Adam, Amber, Arlee, Carla, Jake, Jen, Jess, Josh, Lauren, Lyndsay, Mindy, Rachel, Sally, Seth, Tabitha, and we’re sure there are more. Mr. Garland, our idea filter, for letting us spread our creative wings. Cindy Baker, and our other “outside editors” for taking from your time to fix our mistakes. Shirley Richards and Wendy Williamson, for helping us avoid “identity theft.” The tech department, for adding a little “extra” to this yearbook. Our friends, for keeping us sane by your prayers and support. Sally Gebensleben, our advisor and supplier of amazing chocolate chip cookies. Adam Rushlow, our “graphics advisor” for helping us maintain excellence.
...WG COUldh’t h 3 VG done it without you.
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M yjob title is the “O ffice/Adm issions/M inistries In te rn '... the last thing I ever thought I would be doing was working with the yearbook! I was intim idated atfirst but, truthfully, I have had so much fu n ., .it has been a challenge to say the least- but I have enjoyed it! I am so thankful that God put this in my path- Th rough this I have gotten to know many people that have influenced me in such special ways...Just to name a few: Jesus...Father ; you are so good to me, even when I don't deserve it. Thank you fo r growing me, stretching me, purifying me, refining m e-for taking me out of my comfort zone and deeper in my relationship with you...Take my heart, I am yoursforever... Fran Ingersoll-1 could never have done this withou t you! You were my rock this year, sometimes doing more than I ever could have done with the yearbook. You have taught me more than / ever thought I could learn and I thank you fo r the wonderful godly example you have been to me... N ikki Green- Thank you so much fo r your faithfulness-1 certainly couldn't have done it without you as well! Your beautiful pictures, ideas, and just all around easy going spirit have been such an encouragement to me... Jessica H arris- You're am azing! I got stressed sometimes with ju st the little bit that I was responsiblefor-yet you had so much more to do and always seemed to have things under control.. .Thanks for your example of patience with me, when I was running late getting things to you... **Thanks to all who have given me pictures, helping me out when I have been in a bind... Keri Milligan, Amanda Hetzler, Matt Smith, Carole Kenney, Terri Vicioso, Barbara Pierre... Students- A ll this year our theme has been influence- as you go into the world, I pray that you w ill influence the w orld fo r C hrist! Keep your eyes on H im ... Ties the only one who w ill never let you dow n! I w ant to leave you with this verse...
“If you keep yourself pure, you w ill be a utensil God can use fo r his purpose. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready fo r the M aster to use you fo r every good work'.' 2 Tim othy 2:21...
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