Ad mi n itsr at i v eRecept ioni st
Wendv Williamson
Not Pictured:
Ben Barnes, Ralph Deshetsky,
Maintenance Intern
Maintenance Coordinator
Mike Eaton,
Don Eger, A. K TechServi ces Nate Geiser,
Maintenance Intern
Cristy Henson, Jim Henson, Jessica Kelso,
FinancialAidAdministrator MissionResalityIntern
Liz Kuhn, Ranch Intern Bob McFadden, Chef Ben Parsons,
I nter nat ionalSt udent C o r dnia tro
Mai nt enance
Eric Roginski, Craig Streicher,
Amy Twigg,
* Sarah Bubar and Liz Storman. * Ralph Deshetsky * Annie Christ and Becca Westcomb, women’s volleyball coaches. * Though not an official member of Bl Staff, Josh Ely playeda vital leadership roleworkingwith the Unit Leaders during SnowCamp. * Nootnlydoes hework inthe ministry department, Tim Carter also serves as coach for the women’ s basketball team.
People 17
Faculty and Staff
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