Allow God to take your weaknesses and be strong through them. Allow God to be everything you need. His strength is sufficient”
Jen Crago was raised in a Christain home. However, around the age of eleven she began to be depressed, h ate God and li fe . She found her life was falling a pa rt as situations and circumstances caused problems in her family. “I knew there was a God, and I knew th a tHe cared about me, but I just didift believe it because of e v e r yitnhgthat was happening.” Sin kin gto the depths of d e s pra, i there wer e poi nts when she contemplated suicide. Jen cameto Snow Camp in 2 0 0 0and heard a message about how everybody should give 1 0 % of themselves to God. This challenged her, and she dedicated her life to God. As she trusted God, thi ngs be ga n to change in her
family. Jen went to a seminar soon after, where she was challenged to find out i f she knew for sure whether she was going to Heaven. Aftershe gainedassurance in Christ, Jen beganto gro.w She mni si te re d in her c h ur ch and youth group and soon arrived at the point where she was completely focused on Chri st, and He w a senough f or h er . Jen began to have a d e srie to work with teenagers in the local church as she mentored girls in a Bible study. She de ci ded to come t o the Bi bl e Institute for a solidfoundatioAsn. she looks back on h e rli fe , she holds fast to 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. Though the road to Christ was not the easiest, she c a nnow say she ha s only been m aed strong t hr ough her SaviotS power.
Jen Crago
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18 years old Massachusetts
vunp “Caroline” Kim
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First Year People
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