“Nothing we do matters unless it’s for our Creator. . . . I can do nothing apart from Him!’
J.D. Frick
developa passion to tell other peopel !1 In the fall of 2004 j.D. contemplated coming to the Bbi el Insti tute bu t i nst ead went elsewhere. The whole time, however, hewas thinking about t he truth and what h ewant ed to share with the Mormno girl. When fall came, he headed to WOLBI, andsincethen has been learning more abouetvagnelmis and howh ecan tell other people aboutChrist Refcletni gonJames 4:14,J.D. encourasgteudsentsto look at their actions inthe scope o feterni ty, saying, “Nothing w e do matters unless it’s for our Creator.”
“Awesome - I can’t overepmhasizaeweosme”,is how J.D. Frick desrcibeshis Christian family. He was saved and baptizedaroudnthe age ofnine yet soon fell away from his family’s beliefsA.s hewandred and backslid, he turned from what he had once believed to alcohol and bad relationships. When h ewas t went y- two years ol d ,t hou gh , he decided t oc ha nge his habits and livefor Christ He was working at a gym with a Mormongirl, and tienractingwith her began t omake hmi q usetio n why he believed what he bel ieved. A s he began to seek Godwhol e he ar t edl yand r ead t he Bible, he says, “I began to
■Sj •CSWs'v 5
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24 years old Missouri
Melissa Ward
New York Campus
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