Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2006

From Around the World “I'm so thankful to work with the 60 + international students here at WOLBI. They impress me because most are so thankful to be here to study God’s Word. It's not always easy to get a visa to come to the U.S. but God has a purpose for each of their lives and I’m thankful for them." - Wendy Williamson The Word of Life Bible Institute is proud to be the place of learning for the many international students who want to further their knowledge of the Bible. Many of them come from South Korea, where Word of Life has an effective SYME (School of Youth Missions and Evangelism) school that teaches Bible and English. There are also students from England, Uganda, Australia, Brazil, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Kenya, France, Bermuda, Aruba, Japan, and others. The staff at the Bible Institute is dedicated to helping these students master English and be able to take the knowledge gleaned here and back home, in essence, reaching the world.

Bringing it Home


Every year at the Bible Institute a number of married and older students attend. These students often stay at the Family Campground located just off-campus. They come to classes and take tests just like every other student.. The difference with these students though is the opportunity to apply their knowledge. They take what they have learned in the classroom and bring it home, applying it to married life and family life. There is also the added challenge of learning how to balance their classes and their families, but in the end it is their desire to know the Word of God that inspires them to press on.

New York off-campus students: Jarod and Melanie Burrer, Megan Callister, Sang-yeup Chang, Earl and Deborah Copenhaver, Roberto DeLucia, Robert French, Justin Gambel, Linda Gerardi, Jerry Gilbert, David Gross, Bobby Lanyon, Ryan and Sarina Robbins, Lynn Schaman, Flizbet Schnugger, Kevin Wilson

People New York Campus

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