Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2006


When you throw a rock into a pond, the rock disappears under the surface. It never touches the shore, but the ripples will. The same is when you invest time into the life of another. You invest time into someone’s life, often for only a short period of time, stir up the waters a bit, and then, slip beneath the surface. You may never actually go around the world, but the ripples that you make could. Though you might never see the fruit of your labor, the call to faithfully proclaim the love of Christ remains. Through this year, we have been given many opportunities to be faithful. We have been able to reach people from all over America and even around the world. Many have come to know Him through our testimony and service. Only God knows

the impact we have had on their lives. With j1 our finite knowledge, it is hard for us to r comprehend how we all fit in God's sovereign plan. To know that we each have | a part in that plan is enough. God alone sees the true and complete potential of a t human soul. 1 In this is the challenge, to remain faithful. I That camper you led to Christ, that victim jj of Hurricane Katrina that you touched could very well become a great missionary, j theologian or teacher. They could reach J the world for Christ. Rest assured that j every day of your life, in some way, you are reaching out to the world. Be faithful in getting in lives, and like Lois, Eunice, David Hogue, and Edward Kimball, may your legacy be left in your influence. i

Lois, Eunice, David Hogue, and Edward Kimball. These names probably don't bring any images to our minds. These people do not hold any records or any places of high honor but have, indeed, left their mark on the world. What is their significance? No, they have not pioneered missions in a closed country. Nor have they been hailed as great theologians, thinkers or evangelists. The common factor in all of these men and women is that they all, not anticipating fame or glory, remained faithful. Though their stories may not have been carried down through history, their influence has. Their legacy lives on solely in those in whom they invested their hearts and lives, namely Timothy, David Livingstone, and D.L. Moody.


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