Keeping it alive!
Student Life Activities
Survivor I For two days and two nights, in an undisclosed location on a mountainside on campus, 18 contestants “roughed it” in a competition to see who would win the first ever Word of Life Survivor competition. Teams camped in lean- tos in the cold May rain, only able to bring with them what they could fit in a sandwich bag and rationed a bag of rice for food. Through a variety of competitions, the two teams were whittled down by “Tribal Council” vote. Then, it was every man for himself. After multiple competitions and eliminating all the staff, the remaining three, Holly Hodel, Jared Tolley and Jacob Perdew withstood a three hour long endurance test. Not only was it a fun game of skill and competition, it had a spiritual aspect as well. At times, there was tension. Alliances were formed and some prizes seemed unfair. “This will reveal where you really are in your walk with Christ” shared Mike Eaton before one of the events. All in all, it was a challenging weekend both physically and spiritually. One walked away the winner but many walked away with new friendships, and some, with new scars.
Valentine^ Banquet
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Student Life New York Campus
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