Guest Lecturers The Second Year Guest Lecturer curriculum covers a wide range of topics including Servant Leadership, cults, Islamic Evanglism, and Children’s Ministries. With an emphasis on the practical, every week the students are challenged with yet another way to apply the truth of God’s Word to their lives. This year, students enjoyed a week of panels, when they could ask questions of various groups of people con cerning life and ministry.
Dr. Charles Ware
An Example of Service
Dr. Matt McAlack
During his week of teaching. Matt McAlack was s it ti ng in the dining hall when the call for help in dishpit went out. Not uncommon, many students ignored this and continuedon with their lives. However, Dr. McAlack, answered the call, and students were humbled to find himworki ng, in j eans and t-shirt, in the dishpit. His act of service served as an example to the entire Second Year class and challenged students to take what they learn in the classroom and apply it in life.
Rev. Glenn Amos: YouthinMissions Dr. Daniel Anderson: Nehemiah Dr. Dan Austin: ChristianManhood Dr. James Bjornstad: Cults l&ll Mrs. Shirley Bubar: Christian Womanhood Dr. Wendell Calder: 2 Corinthians Mr. Mike Calhoun: Biblical PhilosophyofMinistry Dr. Emir Caner: Islamic Evangelism Mr.JohnCartwright Homiletics, Bible Study Methods Dr. Tom Davis: ContemporaryProblems
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung: Ezekiel Dr. Frank Eberhardt: Roman Catholic Evangelism Dr. Gerald Franz: HistoryofMissions Rev. John Gueli: Prayer Dr. JamesJeffrey: Christian Manhood Dr. Joe Jordan: Discipleship Dr. James King: ContemporaryIssues inMissions Mr. Don Lough: Spiritual Gifts Dr. Matt McAlack: HistoryofChristian Education Dr. Larry Moyer: Evangelistic Public Speaking
Mrs. Betsy Wyrtzen Oris: Public Speaking Rev. Randy Patten: Counseling Youth Mr. Tim Patterson: Children'sMinistries Mr. Bruce Peterson: Christian Leadership Mr. Tom Phillips: Youth inthe Local Church Dr. Charles Scheide: Org. andAdm. ofLocal Church Dr. Charles Ware: Christian Family Dr. John Whitcomb: Gen. 12-50 Dr. Marshall Wicks: Contemporary Problems
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