Looking Back
Pr. Tow Pavis D r. Davis was raised in a religious, but unsaved, household. In 19 5 5, his g r an df aht e r went to a Christian Buisnessmen’s retreatat Sandy Cove Bible Conference and came to know the Lord there. Five years, later he provided his family witha vacation at Word of Life Inn in Schroon L a ke , New York. Dr. Davis, then age 7, and his f a m i l ywent and they all were saved t ha t week. Subsequently, they began to have family devotions together, joined a Bibl e-preachi ng church, and al l began to grow. Through Vacation Bible School and summer camp at Word of Life, Dr. Davis began to spiritually develop. Though his family had a very successful construction business at the time, he felt called into the mni i s t r yat age 18. He eventual l y discovered his ability in teaching and academic administration (rather than pastoral work, which he experienced
duri ng college and s e mi n ar y )and soon saw God using him in t ha t a r ea as he became a teacher at the Word of LifeBible Institute. Dr. Daivs also lived and studied in I s r a e lfor a year whi ch transf ormed his understandi ng of the Bible and made him appreciate what God is doing in Israel among the Jewish people today. His passion for godly living can also be seen in his f amliy. He and his wife have raised s ix children using bibl ical principles in a bibl ical w a yand can now see themliving God-honoring lives as well as increasing their knowledge of the Word. The man who first influenced Dr. Davis would be his father, who was alwaysa moral and “decent" man,even before he was saved. His life after he came to know the Lord continued to be a testimony in his son’s life. Dr. Davis also appreciates the mni istryof his teachers throughout college. Dr. Paul
Brownback, the former executive dean at the Bible Institute, was not only an intelligent, dsi ciplined man, but also possessed a love for the Word of God. It was LanacstreBible College’ s Dr.Tom Figart who influenced Dr. Davis with his immense knowledge of the Bible. Another major influence was Dr. John Whi tcomb, of Grace College, who was an impressive ma n, not only because of his past ( se r vi n g as an attache to General Patton in WW II, attending Pri nceton, being fl uent in Chinese) and his i ntel l ect, but also because of his godly character and humble spirit. With theyear coming to a close and the students of the Bible Institute looking forward to their next step in life, Dr. Davis leaves this remi nder: “ If not now, when? If not you, who? If not for God, for whom?”
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