Snow Camp 2006
For a reason beyond easy explanatiotwno, words al ways s t r i k ef e ar into the heart of a Fi rst Year WOLBI student: Snow Camp. For eight weeks in the winter, the entire student body joins together to run wi n te r camp for teenagers from all over the United States. As about 400 kids converge on the campus every weekend, bringing every imaginable situation and flu bug, Bible I n situ te students learn how to t ru s t God in t he ir weaknesses as they serve Him for 44 hours s t r a ihgt each weekend. Though it contri butes to an al ready- gruel i ng schedule for some, Snow Camp is a great w a yto see God worki ng not only in campers’ lives but also in the lives of the students who learn to t ru s t Him, not t he ir
abilities, to make the weekend successful. With the addition of the new uni t-system thi s y e a r , both the s t a f fand the students had an i nteresti ng time learning more efficient ways to run the many different areas of Snow Camp. The new approach, however, enabled each student to not only have an opportunity to counsel but also get to run the different Snow Camp events, l ike the tube hill, ice chute, sports tournaments, rumble ba l l , trail ri des, snowmobiles, or p ai nt bal l. This wi nt er was def ini tel y a c hal lenge, as the snow disappeared more and more each weekend, but with positive atitudes (and some creative snow-making methods), God was able to make a snow-less camp an influence-filled mniistry, the result of which was many changed lives.
Iftheyr’ enotcounseling, students workinvariousjobs tohelpmake SnowCamprun smoothlysoits impact can begreater.
Ministry f\iew York Campus
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