library and even working the grounds. Though a lot of hard work and effort is put into these jobs, it is not unusual to become close to the people you work with and for these to be some of the closest friendships you develop throughout the year. Sometimes it doesn’t even seem like a chore anymore... tu. l3c//y ‘davidoval ad^d t X X i/Jodd 0 - XV OA*- 'tdz.s [oa-d^ do3<d \fOodey dea=tev 13, 30 X d id . 1/0/W j 4 Xi / J a i l e d l i d , I 3 \ ! a v i (d a y v *drt [ k ) o 3 fdavdlidcj. \/Jctd a- /Aoy c^oy'lAvj- od AA-Zs id 3 c 4 a ead\( 3COy Y lid d d ey ^ av id 30 o ^ r tzv 3e£jy\.^ l^l/id- X 30Aea-/A<zd avid aovi avOa^j. A I oia ) vodeiA l - f X vi&zd a- AAoy ov~ du3rtpavi | X \ fO a € > d< A- 3< dv3 a a < a d d i l a d ^ //
Living in the Conference Center may seem high class, but it is not all fun and games. It takes a lot of hard work and plenty of good attitudes to keep things running smoothly. Everyone is required to work a service assignment anywhere from six to eight hours a week. Students are assigned jobs in the kitchen, housekeeping,
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Honda I121
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