Christopher Landry M E , " - ::::.,T ^?ar- ^ftJgM U .M B P g g L ^r? g -r /
Luke Lacey SjfV, r ~
Leah Lamos
Rebecca Krizon iPfapfi
Melissa Kru
myour lire "When you first meet someone and they can tell that something's different about you; and, as they get to know you, your actions speak louder than your words" Kimberly Deris
Kvria Laurens
Elizabeth Lauer
Valerie La
Krista Lansrworthv Ian Lanvon
"Being able to keep your word, trustworthy, and responsible"
Sun-Kyu Lee
Hvun-Oh Lee
Hoo-Saner Lee
Matthew Layton
edidiah Lawson
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Dana Ratchforc
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"I think of it as my relationship with God. Am I going to Him with EVERYTHING or just some things?"
Krista Lenahan
Nicholas Levasseur
Elisabeth Levey
Sue-Sung Lim
Amanda Libb
Nichole Salazar
Desiree' Lounsbury
We've defined credibility as walking worthy of the calling with which yon were called. But when I think about it, who is really truly worthy of God and His calling? There is nothing we can do to earn credit in God's kingdom, since it's only by His grace we are saved, only by Him are we justified. Credibility can only be the life we live in gratitude to our Saviour for His wonderful gift of life. Credibility is daily taking up our cross and following God in His commands. He has given us through the holy Word of God, faithfully honouring Him in everything we do. Credibility is, upon entering the presence of our almighty Father, hearingHim say, "Well done, good and faithful servant" -L^ifeen
first year I25
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